FRENCH grammar: interrogative adverbs in French exercises

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In this course you are going to learn everything you need to know about adverbs.  What they are? How to use them? When to use them?


FRENCH grammar: interrogative adverbs in French – exercises


What are they?

Interrogatives adverbs are words that we use to ask questions that the answer cannot be ‘yes’ or ‘no’. So words interrogatives adverbs are words that we use to ask to get more informations.


We can use as well the adjectives in questions to do the same

The most common adverbs in questions in French are  
comment = ‘how’
d’où = ‘where…from…’
For example in the sentence
‘Where are you from?’ = ‘where’.
Pourquoi = ‘why’.

‘How much’ or ‘how many’

Here are a few examples:
Combien ça coûte → How much does it cost?    
Combien y a-t-il d’enfants dans la classe ? → How many children are there in the class?


Here is an example with the word comment
Comment avez-vous réussi à faire ça ? → How did you manage to do that?
Comment tu t’appelles ? (informal language) → What is your name?
Comment t’appeles-tu ? (formal language) → What is your name?

D’où / Où

D’où sont-ils ? → Where are they from?
Où allez-vous ? → Where are you going?  
D’où viens-vous ? → Where are your from?


Pourquoi ont-ils perdu ? → Why did they lose?
Pourquoi des pays sont en guerre ? → Why are countries at war?
Pourquoi les cerises sont rouges ? → Why are cherries red?


Quand viendrez-vous me rendre visite ? → When will you come to visit me?

So, now you know what the most common adverbs in questions are.

Where are they placed?

You need to know where they’re placed. So as you saw in the previous examples:

Adverbs in questions are usually placed at the beginning of the question.  
But in spoken French, they can be placed at the end of the question, in which case they are highlighted with an intonation.  
For example, if you wanted to know how someone is, you could ask Comment va-t-elle ? → How is she?

Or you could also ask  
Elle va comment ? → How is she?  
It sounds much more informal.


The word pourquoi can never be at the end of the question.

So, now you know what the most common adverbs in questions are, and that all of them, except for pourquoi, can be placed either at the very beginning or the very end of the question.

How to ask questions with adverbs?

How can we make questions with adverbs? There are three ways  for that.

Writing information, for example, Pourquoi elle part ? → Why is she leaving?
Please, bear in mind that this can only be used in informal situations.

You can also ask questions with adverbs in questions using

Inversion, this when you put the verb before the subject, this can be used in both writing and speech. For example, Pourquoi part-elle ? → Why is she leaving?

And finally you can also form questions using

Est-ce que. For example, Pourquoi est-ce qu’elle part ? → Why is she leaving?

To build a question with adverbs that uses est-ce que, is only possible when the adverb is at the beginning of the question. You cannot use est-ce que with an adverb which is at the end of the question.

Indirect questions

Adverbs in questions can also be used to ask indirect questions.
For example,  
Je ne comprends pas pourquoi vous avez fais cela → I don’t understand why you did that.  
Elle en sait plus où elle a mis les clés  → She can’t remember where she put the keys
Dis-moi quant ut es prêtes → Tell me when you’re ready.

The difference between  
Quel → masculine singular
Quelle → feminine singuar
Quels → masculine plural   
Quelles → feminine plural

Quel is an adjective in questions, which means ‘which’ or ‘what’. It is used when there are several options to choose from. It agrees in number and gender with nouns it relates to. Therefore it can take several forms.

Quelle est ta couleur préférée ? → What is your favourite colour?
The word couleur is feminine singular

Quel est cet outil ? → What is this tool?
The word outil is masculine singular

Quels sont les résultats des éléctions ? → What are the results of the elections?
The word résultats is masculine plural

Quelles chaussures aimez-vous ? → What shoes do you like?
The word chaussures is feminine plural

Quel genre de musique aimez-vous ? → What genre of music do you like?
The word genre is masculine singular

Quels fruits préfèrent-ils ? → What fruits do you prefer?
The word fruits is masculine plural


Create your own sentences, write them below, in the comments and I will correct them


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Thomas 😀

allez, conjunctions, conjunctions, expressions, interrogative pronouns, interrogative pronouns, intonation, inversion, ir, ir, parlez, pronouns, teacher, teacher, vocabulary, vocabulary

Allez, allez, conjunctions, conjunctions, expressions, interrogative pronouns, interrogative pronouns, intonation, inversion, ir, ir, parlez, parlez, pronouns, teacher, teacher, vocabulary, vocabulary

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