7 courses in 7 days
PERFECT understanding of the rules of FRENCH
100 everyday life French phrases
As a result, you will be able to:
- Present yourself easily and clearly
- Order food at a restaurant
- Go shopping at a market
- Book a train ticket
- Book a room in a hotel
Fast French Learning
+5107 members!
You will receive free content every week to learn and improve your French
Hello, my name is Thomas Ricomard
I have been teaching French as a foreign language via my Fast French Learning blog since 2018.
Before that I taught French to groups of foreigners (Americans, Canadians, English, Spanish, Indians, Turks,…), in a popular university, in a co-working space, and during private lessons (face-to-face and online)...and I love it 🙂

Our online French Courses
The Beginner French Course
€50 (Value: €127)
Master the basics with a native speaker!
The Intermediate French Course
€77 (Value: €200)
Go to the next level with the intermediate course!
Join the Premium French Course!
Thanks to the Premium French Course you will succeed:
- In getting rid of MAJOR GRAMMAR MISTAKES that all people who learn French make, even after several years of practice!
- In mastering PERFECTLY rules of French grammar
- In mastering PERFECTLYÂ the French vocabulary
- In getting rid of MAJOR PRONUNCIATION MISTAKES that all people who learn French make, even after several years of practice!
- In AUTOMATICALLY asking and answering questions (without thinking before speaking) to understand and make yourself understood EASILY
- In having the same pronunciation as a native French speaker
To be notified in advance and so as to be sure to get your place in the Premium French Course:
The Premium French Course includes:
+635 videos // 17 lessons // +750 pages of lessons and exercises // +1,945 phrases to practice
Individual coaching
- 5 French Grammar lessons
- 2 French Grammar and Pronunciation lessons
- 6 French Vocabulary and Pronunciation lessons
- 4 French Pronunciation lessons
- 2 SIMPLE and EFFICIENT Methods you can use IMMEDIATELY