
Here I introduce you some ways to start to write in an easy way and to improve by yourself.

A way to start to write and improve it easily by yourself. Some people who wants to learn a foreign language start to learn with reading some texts, books,... or speaking with French native speakers at events or on the internet with specific websites (Italki, Skype, HelloTalk,...) first. All the persons who learn a new language want to be able to speak, to have conversations with the others.

In general people starts to study with books, workbooks, paper articles or online articles. But this is not the same for writing, not a lot of people practice writing first. I give you here somes reasons I suggest you to consider as using writing when you want to be good at learning a foreign language.

Writing can be a good way to learn a new language 

Let us see the first part. Writing makes learning a new language easier. So, why is that possible ?

You can improve by yourself, you do not need someone, even at the beginning, to help you

Here is the first point : you can improve by yourself, you do not need someone, even at the beginning, to help you. When we begin to learn a language for the first time we want some corrections, some feed-backs, and to do so we can get help from a professor or from a learning program : I could be asked precise questions and having the answers to see if I am progressing. But there si a way if you want to improve by yourself without having courses with a teacher, if it is not possible to have lessons, you can write.

First write, and then you will correct you have just wrote

Here is the second point : write, and then you are going to correct what you have just wrote. How does it work ? A good way to start to write is to copy a text that you read in the newspapers, in an article online, in a magazine or in a book (for example a story you like to read),... In this case you do not have to pay a lot of attention to what you write or how to spell the words. You just need a piece of paper and a pen and to copy the text, for example, from a newspaper you read oftenly. Copy what you like to copy.

It is efficient if you do it a little bit every day

Here is the third point : it is efficient if you do it a little bit every day. I suggest you to copy a few phrases every day. It is easy to do and it takes a few minutes, that means that you can do it on a daily basis.

So you will master everything in this foreign language

Here is the fourth point : you are going to master everything in your target language. You copy a few sentences every day, you are going to learn and print in your mind a lot of words and conjugation rules, because you see them every day. I suggest you as well to read what you write so you are going to be able to improve your reading and comprehension skills at the same time.

How to do it ?

Here is the part 2 .Part 2 : How to do it ?

Write paragraphs, sentences, discusssions,...with your hand

Here is the first point : I suggest you to write paragraphs, sentences, discusssions that you learn, do it by hand in your own exercise book. I suggest you as well to write dialogues that you can see in a movie, with the subtitles. Words, vocabulary lists.

Writing little phrases and show them to your professor

Here is the second point : I suggest you to write little phrases and to show them to your professor. I suggest you to write a introduction to introduce yourself and to send this little text to your professor. Your professor is going to have a look at your work and he is going to give you a correction so you can have a feed-back in order to help you to get better and feel more comfortable.

Listent to a text ot a dialogue and write it down

Here is the third point : I suggest you to listen to a text ot a dialogue and to write it down. You can do it if you already have a little bit of practice. This is an approach that consisted in writing down a text you are listening to check if you can understand well the language and be able to write it without mistakes.

I suggest you to create new phrase with words you never used before

Here is the fourth point : I suggest you to create new phrases with words you never used before. I suggest you to learn new vocabulary that you can find on the internet, on website, on youtube, on the social medias,... wherever you can get new words !

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