Hi, Welcome all on Fast French Learning, the blog to Learn and Improve your French 🇫🇷 😀
If you want to learn by yourself, without going to the university, these are helpful textbooks.
I introduce you in this article resources-textbooks, with different topics, that you can use for 2 years, I mean you do not have to use them everyday like you study regularly. To study with your family, your wife. You can put them in your bag, in your car and reading them when you have time, to step by step, learning more things, enrich the French language. They help you for getting more confidence, improve your conjugation, enrich your conversations, being more confortable when you will be in immersion in a French speaking country.
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Talk Dirty French: Beyond Merde: The curses, slang, and street lingo you need to Know when you speak francais (English Edition)
If you are or if you want to have conversations with native speakers, if you travel all around the world, or if you want to learn it just for fun, this book is for you. You are going to find a French sentence with the slang word in it, the sentence in the English version, and the literal transcript.
Here is an example :
« The balls », it is a vulgar word : les couilles (c’est un mot vulgire)
The French expressions : Je l’ai avertie, elle ne m’a pas écouté, alors maintenant je m’en bats les couilles.
The English version : I warned her, she did not listen to me so now I am washing my hands of it.
The literal one : I warned her, she did not listen to me so now I am flapping my balls of it.
Here is a part of the content :
1-Blablabla sur l’argot : French slang
2-Laisse tomber ! : You are going to learn something new
3-Lorigine du monde : Some French expressions
4-Une tête bien faite :
5-Le roi des cons : Some specific words to say bad and nice things
Here are some reviews :
« It is fun to read it »
« It is really nice to read this book. I enjoyed reading it, I liked it very much, I bought the one to learn the german language »
« It is very nice to learn the French language. You are not going to find so many bad words as we can imagine when we see the title. There is a verlan section (it is when you reversed the syllabes), I love it, it interesting. I have been studying the French language for two years now and I discovered the slang words wit this book »
Click on the picture if you want to see it on Amazon
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Get to Grips with French Grammar (English Edition)
This book covers the principle element of French grammar, the French grammar rules. Topics : nouns, gender, definite and indefinite articles, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions and pronouns. You are going to find a big part for the verbs, to study conjugation of the principle tenses of the groups of verbs. You are going to find as well the irregular verbs which are the most famous. It gives examples of some verbs for several tenses, for the subjunctive. You are going to study as well how to build some questions in general, how to build some questions with the negative form, the passive voice,...
Here are some reviews :
« It is very useful, it is handy, it contains a lot of verbs and how to use them in your everyday life»
« It is an amazing book. Now I understand much more things of the French grammar rules compare to before I read it, I can as well use some sentences in my daily talks and I love it I am very happy to do it, it is a satisfaction for me. I can do it with confidence »
« There are a lot of examples, I appreciate it. It is nice on the irregular verbs. This is an amazing book, it is not expensive for the content it provides »
« It is a very nice material for newbies who want to know better the French language »
« I studied with a lot of book, particularly the French grammr rules, and I can say that this one of the best book I have studied with. I went to a lot of courses, I have listened to a lot of audios tracks, I took private courses, learning foreign lanugages is really hard for me. With this book I discovered a lot of new things I did not know before. It is well explained how to biuld a French sentence. I did not think I would find such an interesting grammar book »
Click on the picture if you want to see it on Amazon
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Essential French Verbs: Teach Yourself (Teach Yourself Language Reference) (English Edition)
It comes with an audio support to download, it contains informations on how to learn verbs in an efficient way. With this book you are going to focus on verbs and how to conjugate them. You can have a look at the book whenever you want to know the form of a verb fastly. In the introduction you are going to read something like a summary of the French verbs and how to conjugate them. There are as well test that you can do online to check your progression.
Here is a part of the content :
What are verbs and how do they work ? / I, you, he, she, it... : the persons / Past, present, future,... : the tenses / the regular and irregular verbs / Formation and use of tenses in French / Indicative, subjunctive, imperative,.. : .mood /...
Here are some reviews :
« It is really well done. It si very clear to know how to conjugate some specific verbs. It is nice book to use ! »
« It is an English version. If you really want to learn the French language, this book is for you »
Students, beginners : best book to learn french at home for vocabulary
Learners, beginners : best books to learn French fast for vocabulary
Students, learners : how to learn French for lessons
Teacher : how to learn to speak French in 30 days for translation, lessons
Teacher : interactive book to learn French for translation, resources
If you do not like studying languages at the university, but you want to have a immersion-like feeling, studying with your wife and your children, have a look at previous articles for more informations, you will find movies, songs, I mean movies and songs in French.
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Thomas 😀