Download PDF – Learn French in 7 days: courses and exercises

Hi, Welcome all on Fast French Learning, the blog to Learn and Improve your French 🇫🇷 😀

In this article I introduce you exercises (with translation) with a course: you can easily do them in 7 days! To reach your goals, keeping the motivation, study and practice for 7 days, then share in the comments how was it!
It will help you to enrich your conversations, so to get more French expressions. Help your learning with a variety of resources (flashcards, movies, an app…) (different topics), conjugation, memory techniques,…


To express possession we use the verb avoir (to have) + a noun.

J’ai une maison → I have a house   Vous avez une belle maison → You have a nice house  
J’ai une voiture → I have a car   Vous avez une belle voiture → You have a nice car  
J’ai un chien → I have a dog   Vous avez un beau chien → You have a nice dog  

Do not say je ai but j’ai.  
Pay attention to pronounce it vous avez like vou’z’avez.
You say the letter –s like the lettter –z.

J’ai un appartement → I have an apartment   Vous avez une maison → you have a house
J’ai deux chiens → I have two dogs   Vous avez trois chats → you have three cats
J’ai un travail fatigant → I have a tiring job   Vous avez un travail intéressant → you have an interesting job  
J’ai des amis français → I have French friends   Vous avez des amis anglais → you have English friends

Where do we put the adjective?

The adjective comes after the noun.
J’ai une voiture verte → I have a green car
J’ai une voiture française → I have a French car
J’ai une voiture économique → I have an economical car

There are exceptions: the adjectives
Beau / joli → beautiful
Bon → good
Petit → little
Grand → big, tall
Gros → big
Vieux → old
They come before the noun.
J’ai une jolie voiture → I have a beautiful car  
J’ai une petite voiture → I have a small car
J’ai une bonne voiture → I have good car

Exercise to practice

Write your answer in the comments and I will tell you if it is ok or not, and I will give you the correction.
Instruction: Give personal information from the template.
J’ai une voiture anglaise → I have an English car: ………………………………………..
J’ai une télévision japonaise → I have a japanese television: ………………………..
J’ai un appareil photo allemand → I have a german camera: ………………………..
J’ai une montre suisse → I have a swiss watch: …………………………………………..
J’ai des chaussures italiennes → I have italian shoes: ………………………………….

Instruction: build sentences with the verb avoir and the missing articles
Write your answer in the comments and I will tell you if it is ok or not, and I will give you the correction.
maison (house) / appartement (apartment): J’ai une maison, vous avez un appartement
garçon (boy) / fille (girl): …………………………………………………………………………..  
soeur (sister) / frère (brother): …………………………………………………………………..
chien (dog) / chat (cat): …………………………………………………………………………….

Instruction: build the dialogues from the template
Write your answer in the comments and I will tell you if it is ok or not, and I will give you the correction.
1 – une carte d’identité (ID card) / 2 – un passeport (passport)/ 3 – une carte de crédit (a credit card) / 4 – des enfants (chidren)/ 5 – des amis français (French friends)
1 – Vous avez une carte d’identité ? (Do you have an ID card?) – Oui, j’ai une carte d’identité.
2 – ………………………………………………………………………….. – ………………………………………..
3 – …………………………………………………………………………… – ………………………………………..
4 –……………………………………………………………………………. – ………………………………………..
5 –……………………………………………………………………………. – ………………………………………..

Instruction: Continue the text according to the model
Write your answer in the comments and I will tell you if it is ok or not, and I will give you the correction.
Voiture (car) (grosse (big)) – Vous avez une grosse voiture (you have a big car)
Appartement (apartment) (grand (big)) – …………………………………………………
Femme (women) (jolie (beatiful)) – …………………………………………………………..
Salaire (salary) (gros (big)) – …………………………………………………………………..
Meubles (furniture) (anciens (old)) – ……………………………………………………….
Amis (friends) (sympathiques (nice)) – …………………………………………………….

Physical caracteristics

Elle a les yeux noirs → She has black eyes
Ses yeux sont noirs → Her eyes are black
Elle a les cheveux blonds → Sha has blond hair
Ses cheveux sont blonds → Here hair is blond
Elle a le visage rond → She has a round face
Son visage est rond → Here face is round

The age

To say the age we use avoir (to have) + the number of the years (months, days,…).
To say petit or vieux we use the verb être (to be) + adjective.
Il a trois mois, il est petit → He is three months old, he is small.  
Il a cent ans, il est vieux → He is a hundred years old, he is old.

Exercise to practice

Instruction: describe according to the template

Inès 15 ans Cheveux blonds
Yeux noirs Visage allongé  
20 ans
Cheveux bruns
Yeux verts
Visage rond
30 ans
Cheveux roux
Yeux bleus
Visage carré
Inès a 15 ans
Elle a les cheveux blonds
Elle a les yeux noirs  

Inès is 15 years old
She has blond hair She has black eyes  
  ……………………………………. ……………………………………. …………………………………….  

Manon is 20 years old
She has brown hair
She has green eyes
She has a round face
  ……………………………………. ……………………………………. …………………………………….  

Théo is 30 years old
She has red hair
She has blue eyes
She has a square face  

Instruction: Complete with il est ou il a. Then, describe Bruno’s friend
Bruno est très jeune: il a quinze ans → Bruno is very young : he is 15 years old.
………..beau et …………très intelligent → He is beautiful and he is very intelligent.
…………..les yeux noirs et les cheveux blonds → He has black eyes and blond hair.
…………….beaucoup d’amis, parce qu’…………..très gentil → He has a lot of friends, because he is very nice.
………………seulement un gros défaut: ……………très paresseux → He nly have a defect: he is very lazy.

Students, beginner: learn French through stories for vocabulary

Learners: learn French with a planning for pronunciation, lessons

Teacher, students: schedule to learn French reading intensively in months
for vocabulary

Learners:  how to learn french pronunciation for lessons, pronunciation

Beginner, teacher: learn business French for expressions 

Do not gorget to enrich your learning (use a variety of resources) to reach your goals: an app,…practicing conversations, learning conjugation, using flashcards, using memory techniques, keeping the motivation, watching movies, studying topics of the French language, using translation,…

Click on the links:

Thank you for reading this article!
Thomas 😀

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