
Tips to learn French quickly

I suggest you to study on a regular basis, to practice every day

Here is the tip number one : I suggest you to practice your target language every day. If you practice it every day of the week your brain is going to learn faster. If you learn only for a few hours during the week-end, for example on Sunday, and never during the days of the week, it is not going to be enough work to have a progressing language learning journey. You need to do as well something like between 10 and 20 minutes every day during the week. Because if you only learn 4 hours jsut one day of the week, your brain is going to forget everything quickly, you are not going to remember anything the week after. If you do it every day for about 15 minutes, I suggest you for one day that you practice your grammar, the day after you practice the vocabulary and then you developp your listening skills, for example you can watch a TV show.

I suggest you to accept to make mistakes : making mistakes is part of the learning journey

Here is the tip number two : I suggest you to make mistakes and to accept it. If you are focusing on yourself, on the mistakes you could do and you are doing, you are not going to improve your target language (the French language), you are not going to talk with someone, you are not going to be able to write an email to someone. I suggest you to let it go and to make mistakes, that is not important to make mistakes and it is part of the learning journey. You are goign to be better afterward.

I suggest you to use your voice, to speak loud and to talk to yourself

Here is the tip number three : I suggest you to speak loud and to talk to yourself. It is hard to do it but it worths it. For example, when I am  driving, sometimes I have a talk with myself about the weather forecast, what I am going to watch on the television when I am going to be back home, what I am going to do during the week-end, the magazines I will read during my vacations. It is very efficient to print the new informations in your mind.

I suggest you to put the vocabulary in a specific context, to learn words in a specific context

Here is the tip number four : specifically in the French language when you learn some new words, I suggest you to try to learn it in a context. Let us say that a noun in the French language can be feminine or it can be a masculine noun. If you only learn the noun (without the particle), you do not know if it is a feminine noun or a masculine noun. For example the word « chair » (la chaise) in the French language, if you only need to learn the word « chair » (la chaise) you do not know if it is a masculine noun or a feminine one. It is a feminine noun because we use the particle la which is placed before the word.

I suggest you to watch your favorite show at the television, in the French language with the subtitles in the French language

Here is the tip number five : I suggest you to watch your favorite show at the television in the French language with the subtitles in the French language. You know everything about those TV shows so it is very easy for you to understand the story. I suggest you to read the subtitles, to do the best you can do for it, write down some French expressions you do not know and vocabulary you have never seen before or you have never heard before. It can last for between 10 and 30 minutes.

I suggest you to put the words in a group to learn them in an easy way

Here is the tip number six : I suggest you to put the words in a group to learn them easily. It helps to build the word-stock, in this way it is quicker than usual. If you learn a sentence, let us say « the phone is ringing » (le téléphone sonne). We have the word téléphone, you have téléphoner which is the verb « to call ». If you put this word (téléphoner) in a group with several others words, it will be easier to remember it because you are going to see the picture of the action in your mind. For example, you see yourself in the living room hearing the phone ringing.

Take the time to read a text a little bit every day

Here is the tip number seven : I suggest you to take the time to read a text a little bit each day, even if it is just a page of a book or a magazine,... You can as well read a French language blog (not specifically on the French language but on a topic that you like) or also the newspapers, but the news usually have a more complicated vocabulary and phrases structure.

I suggest you to join a group of people who speaks the French language

Here is the tip number eight : I suggest you to join a group of people who speaks the French language. Obviously it is better if they are French native speakers. Even if you meet them for a short period of time, it is really helpful. You are not going to be able to do choose everything and every time what you want to talk about with your language partner, you are not going to be able to choose what he (or she) is going to answer to you. As well you are not going to be able to choose the speed of its talk, it is the same thing for the accent, the vocabulary he or she uses,...

I suggest you to take a break when you need to take it

Here is the tip number nine : I suggest you to take a break when you need to take it. You can just review the words you have learnt before, I suggest you to watch a video because you can learn passively, it is easier for the brain, it takes less effort. These days I practice what I already studied before, no more new informations.

I suggest you to not spending too much time on something you do not understand

Here is the tip number 10 : I suggest you to not spending too much time on something you do not understand. If there is something you do not understand in the French language, it is going to come at the right moment.

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