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Hi, Welcome all on Fast French Learning, the blog to Learn and Improve your French 🇫🇷 😀
What are all the objects you see in your environment ?
Everyday you can make associations between the objects you see, between themselves it is very efficient to remember them, to make your memory working. You can do it with objects in your house, in your apartment in your car, in the street on the way to work,…you can put post-it in your house on every objects.
Do you want to play a social game ?
The game is to recognize the pictures in a visual book. You are with your friends around a table, you put one or several visual books, the game is to open the book randomly and to try to name the picture. You can use a visual dictionnary as well. This is a great way to get a better accent while you are having a fun. Here are some ways to do it :
- A person open the visual dictionary or a visual book and he describes an object he sees. Then, the others have to say what object is it. To make it easier for everyone, before doing it you can study together several pictures, several words. And during the game you choose a picture among the ones you studied together, as you are sure that everyone knows the nouns and can say the answer quickly. The first peron who says the word is the winner.
- The translations game : one person say words in English, for example « How do you say excuse me in French ? » (excusez-moi). The first person who says the word in translations is the winner.
- Take some of the words or all the words in a page of your visual dictionary, and write a story with those words. The person who use the most words is the winner.
Learn with images
The best way to increase your stock of words is to bring them into the real life context. You can choose to study a specific group of words, and then going to the specific activity related to this specific group of words and practice them, finally learning them for the whole life. For example, you can study the list of words related to the swimming pool activity, and then going to the pool with friends are alone and reviewing in the real life context the words you have just learnt. It is very efficient to enrich your stock of words, so to enrich your conversations. Doing it with a friend is nice because you can teach each other, one of you will forget and remember some words and the other one will forget and remember some others words. You can get your phone or your camera, taking the pictures you want, and then making your own specific visual dictionary. For example, if you go to the swimming pool, you can take pictures of :
a chlorine diffuser (un diffuseur de chlore)
green water (eau verte)
a tarpaulin reel (un enrouleur de bâche)
a filter (un filtre)
inox (inox)
jacuzzi (jacuzzi)
to swim against the current (nager à contre courant)
an electric heater (un réchauffeur électrique)
a chlorine regulator (un régulateur de chlore)
pool salt (du sel de piscine)
a toboggan (un toboggan)
water treatment (traitement de l’eau)
a pipe (un tuyau)
the pool changing room (les vestiaires)

the entrance (l’entrée)

the pool (le bassin)

chlorine (le chlore)

the pool cover (la bâche)

the pool broom (le balai de piscine)

test strips (les bandelettes de test)

a buoy (une bouée)

a hose reel (un rouleur de tuyau)

a landing net (une épuisette)

an inflatable mattress (un matelas gonflable)

a diving board (un plongeoir)

a pool robot (un robot de piscine)

a thermometer (un thermomètre)

Invite your friends to have a party and learn words together
I suggest you to organize a gathering with your friends, it is very efficient to improve your memory. Before to be gathered, send a list of words to your group of friends, ask them to make picture with the words they have, with photoshop or any software, or use a famous game like the Pictionary. Step by step you will set up your own visual dictionary group. The rule can be : you show the picture without showing the noun, and everyone has to find the right noun. This is a very efficient way to increase your list of words, it is more efficient if some words are funny. Laughing while learning make the learning easier. The more often you do it the less you will need to translate the words into English.
The words of the city
the suburbs (la banlieue)
the district (le quartier)
The city (la ville)

the town-the village (le village)

traffic lights (feux de circulation)

shops (les magasins)

the street (la rue)

the avenue (l’avenue)

a pavement (un trottoir)

a car (une voiture)

a truck (un camion)

a parking space (une place de parking)

a billboard (un panneau publicitaire)

a bakery shop (la boulangerie)

butchery (la boucherie)

a crossroad (un carrefour)

the train station (la gare)

the tram (le tramway)

the bus (le bus)

a coach (un car)

the city hall (l’hôtel de ville)

the theater (le théâtre)

a museum (un musée)

Salut, tu vas au théâtre ce soir ? → Hello, are you going to the theater tonight?
Il faisait nuit quand nous sommes sortis du musée → It was dark when we left the museum
Les magasins ferment à la nuit tombée → Shops close at night
Salut, tu prends le bus pour aller chez ton frère ? → Hello, are you taking the bus to your brother’s house ?
Je comprends, oui, la boulangerie est au bout de la rue → I understand, yes, the bakery is at the end of the street
Je dois tourner à droite au carrefour, je comprends → I have to turn right at the crossroads, I understand
Excusez-moi, est-ce que je peux passer, s’il vous plaît ? → Excuse me, can I pass ?
S’il vous plaît, où sont les toilettes ? → Please, where are the toilets ?
Vous parlez du musée d’histoires naturelles ? → Are you talking about the museum of natural history ?
Hier, vous m’avez parlez de vous, vous travaillez à la mairie → Yesterday, you told me about yourself, you work at the town hall
Il y a des toilettes dans le magasin ? → Are there toilets in the store?
Nous allons nous revoir, surement dans le tramway, pour aller au travail → We will meet again, probably on the tram, to go to work
Je viendrai au théâtre ce soir, pour te revoir → I’ll come to the theater tonight to see you again
Beginner : learn the basics in french for vocabulary, pronunciation
Learners : how to communicate in french in 24 hours for pronunciation,
Beginner, students : learn french reading at restaurant for a café
Learners : learn french sentences for a café, expressions
Students : why and how to learn a French essay quickly for expressions,
Have a look at the others articles to get more resources, be able to hold conversations, to learn French expressions, to talk easily with French native speakers.
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Thank you for reading this article !
Thomas 😀