Hi, Welcome all on Fast French Learning, the blog to Learn and Improve your French 🇫🇷 😀

This application was made for facilitating the study of the French language, the French grammar rules.
You do not need to ave a wifi connection to use it. So, it means that you can learn the french language whenever you want, wherever you want.
- This application does not require to have an internet connection, so it means you are not going to lost any mobile data.
- It is 100% free, you do not need to pay to use it
- It contains 50 lessons so you can practice to help to get more skills in the French language (French grammar)
- You are able to look for an information very quickly, for different topics
- The user interface is nice and the application is user friendly
You are going to learn :
- The tenses (conjugation)
- The tenses (les temps)
- The present tense (le présent de l’indicatif)
- The present perfect tense
- The imperfect tense (l’imparfait)
- L’imparfait - Le passé composé
- The historic past
- The pluperfect tense (le plus-que-parfait)
- The future tense (le futur)
- The near future tense (le futur proche)
- The future anterior (le futur antérieur)
- The irregular verbs (les verbes irréguliers)
- The verbs (les verbes)
- The verbs to have and to be (les verbes Avoir-Être)
- The infinitive constructions (l’infinitif)
- The participle and the gerund (le participe et le gérondif)
- The reflexive verbs (les verbes pronominaux)
- The passive voice (la voie passive)
- The imperative (l’impératif)
- The conditional (le conditionnel)
- The subjunctive (le subjonctif)
- The nouns and articles (les noms et les articles)
- The gender (le genre)
- The articles (les articles)
- The plural (le pluriel)
- The pronouns (les pronoms)
- The personal pronouns (les pronoms personnels)
- The possessive pronouns (les pronoms possessifs)
- The reflexive pronouns
- The relative pronouns (les pronoms relatifs)
- The interrogative pronouns (les pronoms interrogatifs)
- The demonstrative pronouns (les pronoms démonstratifs)
- The indefinite pronouns (les pronoms indéfinis)
- The adverbial y and en (les adverbes y et en)
- The adjectives (les adjectives)
- The Masculine-Feminine form of adjectives (les formes masculines et féminines des adjectifs)
- The comparative forms of adjectives (les comparaisons des fomes des adjectifs)
- The placement of adjectives (le placement des adjectifs)
- The adverbs (les adverbes)
- The types of adverbs (les types d’adverbes)
- Making adverbs from adjectives (faire des adverbes à partir des adjectifs)
- The adjective or the adverb (l’adjetcif ou l’adverbe)
- The comparative forms of adverbs (les formes comparatives des adverbes)
- the placement of adverbs (le placement des adverbes)
- The prepositions (les prépositions)
- The prepositions (les prépositions)
- The sentence structure (la structure de la phrase)
- The declarative sentences (les phrases déclaratives)
- The negation (la négation)
- The questions (les questions)
- The conjunctional clauses
- The indirect questions (les questions indirectes)
- The participle clauses
- The relative clauses
- The conditional clauses
- The indirect speech (le discours indirect)

This application was created to make the study of the French language (the French grammar) much easier. It contains 9 parts, everyone of them are focused on the basics of the French language : the nouns and articles (les noms et les articles), the adjectives and the adverbs (les adjectifs et les adverbes), the prepositions (les prépositions), the numbers (les nombres), the dates and time (les dates et les heures), the verbs (les verbes), the interrogatives (l’interrogation), the negatives (la négation), the pronouns (les pronoms),...
The rules are said in the English language. I suggest you first to read the explanations and once it is done to study. Practice with the exercises and answers the questions. I suggest you to write again the phrases to print their structure in your mind. At the end of the book you are gong to see the answers. With these exercises to practice you are goin to be prepared for the everyday life situations. It is going to help you to have a better French.
All the elements of the French language are gouped in a logical way, so it is simple to print them in your mind.
I introduce here some verbs you are going to find in the application :
courir—il court, je cours, tu cours, nous courons, vous courez, ils courent
rire—il rit, je ris, tu ris, nous rions, vous riez, ils rient
rompre—il rompt, je romps, tu romps, nous rompons, vous rompez, ils rompent
conclure—il conclut, je conclus, tu conclus, nous concluons, vous concluez, ils concluent
In order to be better for some points you are going to learn with basic texts. Each chapter contains exercises to review your knowledge.

I suggest you to learn the French grammar rules with this application. You can do it offline.
Here is you are going to study if you use this application :
- The verbs (les verbes)
- The pronouns (les pronoms)
- The phrase (la phrase)
- The subjunctive (le subjonctif)
- The adverbs (les adverbes)
- The prepositions (les prépositions)
- The coordinate conjunction (les conjonctions de coordination)
- The subordinate conjunction
- The tenses (les temps)
- The compound tense (les temps composés)
- The interjection (les interjections)
- The intonation (l’intonation)
- The nouns (les noms)
- The indefinite article (les articles indéfinis)
- The conjugation (la conjugaison)
- The conjunctions (les conjonctions)
- The definite articles (les articles définis)
- The articles (les articles)
- The auxiliary verb (les verbes auxilaires)
- The active and passive voices (les voies actives et passives)
- The adjectives (les adjectifs)
- The exclamation (l’exclamation)
- The gerund (le gérondif)
- The onomatopoeia (les onomatopées)
- The orthographic accent
- The possessive adjective (les adjectifs possessifs)
- The demonstrative adjective (les adjectifs démonstratifs)
- The demonstrative pronoun (les pronoms démonstratifs)
- Determiner
- The French expressions (les expressions)

It is made in a way that you can uderstand the French grammar rules very quickly and being able to use it in your everyday life. It is suitable for who wants to learn the French language as a foreign language.
- The active or passive voice of indirect speech (la voie active et passive du discours indirect)
- The adjectives (les adjectifs)
- The adverbs (les adverbes)
- The articles (les articles)
- The auxiliary verbs (les verbes auxilaires)
- The conditionals (le conditionnel)
- The conjunctions (les conjonctions)
- The determinants (les déterminants)
- The idioms
- The interjections (les interjections)
- How to introduce yourself (comment se présenter)
- The nouns (les noms)
- The phrases (les phrases)
- The prepositions (les prépositions)
- The pronouns (les pronoms)
- The tenses (les temps)
- The verbs (les verbes)
- The adverbs (les adverbes) The adjectives (les adjectifs)
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Thank you for reading this article !
Thomas 😀
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