Download PDF – learning the French alphabet with words

A – B- C – D – E – F- G – H – I – J – K – L – M – N – O – P – Q – R – S- T – U – V – W – X – Y – Z


Ananas → pineapple
Absolu → absolute
Académie → academy
Acide → acid
Accepter → to accept
Accent → accent
Accélérer → to accelerate
Accueillir → to welcome
Achever → to finish
Adhérer →to join
Adieu → farewell, goodbye
Admirer → to admire  
Adorable → adorable
Absorber → to absorb
Adversaire → opponent
Aéroport → airport
Age → age
Agent → agent
Agilité → agility
Agrafe → clip


Bataille → battle
Belle → beautiful
Bateau → boat
Bêtise → stupidity
Bise → kiss
Bestiole → beast
Blafard → pale
Blague → joke
Bague → ring
Beige → beige
Bachelier → bachelor
Balcon → balcony
Bagage → luggage
Baigner → to swim
Baiser → to kiss
Baisser → to lower
Banquet → banquet
Baptiser → to baptize
Barbare → barbaric
Barge → barge


Castor → beaver
Côté → side
Cascade → cascade
Cuir → to cook / leather
Câble → cable
Cabane → hut
Cacher → to hide
Cachalot → sperm whale
Cadre → frame
Café → coffee
Cafetier → coffee maker  
Camomille → chamomile
Camouflage →Camouflage
Canada → Canada
Canard → duck
Canne à pêche → fishing rod
Canne à sucre → sugar cane
Cacao → cocoa
Carbone → carbon
Carnaval → carnival


Détruire → to destroy
Décalage → offset
Dragon → dragon
Daim → fallow deer
Dame → lady
Dangereux → dangerous
Danser → to danse
Date → dated
Dauphin →dolphin
Décaler → to shift
Décadent → decadent
Décevoir → to disappoint
Déchet → waste
Déclasser → to downgrade
Décorer → to decorate
Défendre → to defend
Définir → to define
Dégeler → to thaw / to unfreeze
Degré → degree
Déguster → to taste

E (ə – ə)

Echelle → ladder
Escalier → staircase
Etable → stable
Etalage → display
Eau → water
Eboueur → garbage collector
Eblouir → to dazzle
Echanger → to exchange µ
Echec → failure
Echéance → deadline
Ecureuil → squirrel
Ecume → foam
Eczéma → eczema
Editer → to edit
Educateur → educator
Education → education
Effet → effect
Effleurer → to touch
Effroi → dread
Efforcer → strive

F (ɛf- ɛf)

Force → strength
Faiblir → weaken
Farce → prank call
Facile → easy
Faculté → faculty
Façon → way
Fabuleux → fabulous
Faciliter → facilitate
Facteur → postman
Faïence → earthenware
Fauteuil → armchair
Faux → false
Favorable → favorable
Fédéral → federal
Femelle → female
Fée → fairy
Ferme → farm
Figure → figure
Fin → end
Fils → son


Garage → garage
Gare → train station
Gagner → to win
Galvauder → galvauder
Gaz → gas
Gel → gel
Gestion → management
Geste → gesture
Gencive → gum
Gendarme → gendarme
Gênes → Genoa
Grenouille → frog
Genre → gender
Gentil → nice
Glande → gland
Glisser → to slide
Gloire → glory
Glucose → glucose
Geler → freeze
Grâce → thanks


Hélène → Helen
Haine → hate
Habit → garment
Habitat → housing
Habituer → get used to
Hallucinant →mind-blowing
Handball → handball
Handicap → handicap
Hanter → haunt
Harceler → harass
Herbe → grass
Homme → man
Hongrie → Hungary
Hormone → hormone
Horticulteur → horticulturist
Hypnose → hypnosis
Hypersensibilité → Hypersensitivity
Hippocampe → seahorse
Hache → ax
Huile → oil


Index → index  
Irrascible → irascible
Iceberg → iceberg
Icône → icon
Ici → here
Identité → identity
Idiot → idiot
Idole → idol
Idolâtrer → to idolize
Idylle → idyll
Ignorer → to ignore
Illegitime → illegitimate
Illusion → illusion
Illégal → illegal
Ile → island
Image → picture
Imaginer → to imagine
Imagerie médicale → medical imaging
Imbiber → soak
Immatriculer → to register
Innieur (ʒe, ʒe)→ ingenior


Joie → joy
Jaguar → jaguar
Jacter → to jact
Jaillir → to flow
Jalouse → jealous
Jambe → leg
Japon → Japan
Jardin → garden
Jaune → yellow
Jazz → jazz
Jeter → to throw away
Jeux → games
Jeunesse → youth  
Jovial → jovial
Jeune → young
Joli → beautiful
Joint → joint
Jonction → junction
Jongleur → juggler
Jouer → to play


Koala → koala
Karaté → karate
Kermesse → fair
Kérosène → kereosene
Kilogramme → kilogram
Kimono → kimono
Kitesurf → kitesurf
Klaxonner → to honk


Louer → to rent
Laboratoire → laboratory
Langue → tongue
Latte → lath
Labrador → labrador
Lancer → to launch
Lâcher → to let go
Lacet → lace
Lait → milk
Lagune → lagoon
Laid → ugly
Laine → wool
Lame → blade
Lamentable → dismal
Lampe → light
Lance-pierre → slingshot
Langouste → lobster
Lapin → rabbit
Larve → larva
Latin → latin


Maman → mum
Mamelle → udder
Maison → house
Miette → crumb
Messe → mass
Masse → mass
Mèche → lock
Malade → sick
Machin → thing
Martinique → Martinique
Magenta → magenta
Magicien → wizard  
Magnétiseur → Magnetizer
Magnétoscope → video recorder
Maître → master
Majorité → majority
Malheur → misfortune
Malgré → despite
Malgache → malagasy
Malhonnête → dishonest


Nouilles → noodles  
Nager → to swim
Nuit → night
Nappe → tablecloth
National → national
Nature → nature
Naturel → natural
Navire → ship
Nécessaire → necessary
Négation → negation
Neiger → to snow
Neurone → neuron 
Niche → niche
Niveau → level
Noël → Christmas
Noisette → hazelnut
Nomade → nomad
Normal → normal
Nostalgie → nostalgia
Note → note


Olivier → olive tree
Ovale → oval
Obéir → to obey
Obscur → obscure
Obliger → to force
Obligatoire → obligatory
Obscène → oscene
Obscurité → darkness
Observer → to observe
Observatoire → observatory
Obstiner → to obstinate
Occasion → opportunity
Océan → ocean
Occuper →to occupy
Oeuf (oe )→ egg
Oeuvre (oe)→ artwork
Officiel → official
Oiseau → bird
Olive → olive
Ombre → shadow


Pendre → to take
Passoir → colander
Passage → passage
Pasteur → pastor
Pain → bread
Poule → hen
Poulain → foal
Posture → posture
Place → place
Passion → passion
Piqûre → sting
Palette → palette
Payer → to pay
Paix → peace
Pâlir → pale
Palpitant → exciting
Palmier → palm
Paris → Paris
Pansement → plaster
Panthère → panther


Qualité → quality
Quadriller → to grid
Quatrième → fourth
Quarantaine → quarantine
Quarante → forty
Quart → quarter
Quelque → some
Quintuple →Quintuple
Quoi → what


Roue → wheel
Rouler →to roll
Rôtir → to roast
Ramasser → to pick up
Ravager → ravage
Rabaisser → to lower
Raconter → to tell
Radeau → raft
Rafraîchir → to refresh
Raidir → to stiffen
Railler → to taunt
Raison → reason
Raisonnable → reasonable
Rajuster → adjust
Rameau → branch
Ramifier → to ramify
Randonner → hiking
Rapide → fast
Rappeler → call back
Rapport → report


Salopette → overalls
Souder → to weld
Salir → to soil
Sauter → to jump
Sardine → sardine
Soupe → soup
Souci → worry
Saturne → saturn
Sauce → sauce
Sauna → sauna
Sauterelle → Grasshopper
Sauver → to save
Savourer → enjoy
Savon →soap
Scander → to chant
Scandale → scandal
Sacrifice → sacrifice
Sacrifier → to sacrifice
Scène → scene
Schéma → diagram


Tortue → turtle
Toiture → roofing
Toit → roof
Trouver → to find
Troubler → to disrupt
Travailler → to work
Tableau → board
Tâche →task
Trou → hole
Tarte → pie
Table → table
Tabasser (ss)→ beat up
Tactile → touch
Tajine → tajine
Taillader → to slash
Talonner → to hook up
Tambouriner → to drum
Tamponner → to stamp
Tangible → tangible
Tannerie → tannery


Univers → universe
Usine → factory
Ustensil → utensil
Utile → useful
Ukraine → Ukraine
Ulcère → ulcer
Urine → urine
Uranus →uranus
Urbain → urban
Urgence → emergency


Vivre → to live
Vivant → living
Voiture → car
Vacarme → uproar
Vivace → vivacious
Végétarien → vegetarian
Vache →  cow
Vaciller → to sway
Vacances → holidays
Vadrouiller → to knock around
Vagabonder → to wander
Vague → wave
Vaillant → valiant
Vaincre → to overcome
Vaisselle (ss)→ dishes
Valeur → value
Valser → valser
Vanille → vanilla
Vanter → to boast
Vapeur → steam


Wagon → wagon



Yeux → eyes


Zero → zero

How to learn French pronunciation for lessons, vowels, pronunciation

Teacher : best way to learn a French speaking exam in one day gcse
for vocabulary, pronunciation

Lingling learn French for combinations, vocabulary, pronunciation 

Have a look at the others article to get more lessons, vocabulary, to know all the different vowels (é é, è è, ê ê, ù ù, û û,…) and the consonnants consonnants, the accents (aigu aigu,…) the words with a cedilla cedilla. To be your own teacher. To improve your pronunciation, to understand the combinations. For a beginner beginner and everyone.

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Thomas 😀

ʒe, ʒe

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