Writing in French : date – letters (alphabet) – verbs

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How to read and write dates in French?

The structure is day + month + year

Let us see some examples:

Le 6 Septembre 2014
Le six Septembre deux mille quatorze

Le 14 Juillet 1789 → this is the day of the French revolution
Le quatorze Juillet mille sept cent quatre-vingt-neuf

There is an exception: Le 1er Mars 2020
Le premier Mars deux mille vingt

From the smallest unit to the biggest one.

You say it as it is written.

The structure is also weekday + day + month + year

Le mercredi 6 Septembre 2014
Le mardi 14 Juillet 1789
Le samedi 1er Décembre 2018

Here are the months

Janvier → January  
Février → February
Mars → March
Avril → April
Mai → May
Juin → June
Juillet → July
Août → August
Septembre → September
Octobre → October
Novembre → November
Décembre → December

Here are the weekdays

Lundi → Monday
Mardi → Tuesday
Mercredi → Wednesday
Jeudi → Thursday
Vendredi → Friday
Samedi → Saturday
Dimanche → Sunday

How to use it in a sentence?

Questions : Quel est la date d’aujourd’hui ? → What is the date today ?
Long answers : On est le Samedi 6 Avril 2017 → It si April 6, 2017
Short answers : On est le 6 Avril / On est le 6

Other written way

The structure is day/month/year

Let us see some examples :

3 Janvier 200203/01/2002 or 03/01/02  
14 Juillet 1789 → 14/07/1789

The order is different from the American way.

The letters of the alphabet

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z


Abricot → apricot
Anatole → Anatole (this is a name)
Arriver → to arrive


Bébé → baby
Boîte → box
Balle → ball


Castor → beaver

Chateau → castle
Chaise → chair
Ch in French is pronounced as « sh » in English.

Ciseaux → scissors
The letter c just before the vowels « i » or « e » is pronounced as « s ».


Danemark → Denmark
Danser → to danse
Diriger → to lead


Ecole → school
Etagère → shelf
Ecraser → to crush


Faire → to do  
Faible → weak
Four → oven


Gentil → nice
Genre → gender
Guider → to guide


Hôpital → hospital
Hostile → hostile
Hôtel → hotel


Installer → to install
Inventer → to invent
Irriter → to irritate


Jeune → young
Juste → fair
Jupe → skirt


Koala → koala
Kaki → khaki
Képi → kepi


Lapin → rabbit
Lourd → heavy  
Louer → to rent


Maman → mum
Mirage → mirage
Maçon → builder


Non → no
Nager → to swim
Nappe → tablecloth


Orage → thunderstorm
Orange → orange
Otage → hostage


Papa → dad
Possible → possible
Passage → passage


Quota → quota
Quotidien → daily
Qatar → Qatar


Rôtir → to roast
Repasser → to iron
Rateau → rake


Sable → sand
Sage → wise
Sauter → to jump


Tulipe → tulip
Toit → roof
Trottoir → pavement


Usage → use
Urgent → urgent
Unité → unit


Vie → life
Vautour → vulture
Vaniter → vaniter


Wagon → wagon


Xénophobie → xenophobia
Xylophone → xylophone


Yaourt → yogurt
Yeux → eyes
Youtubeur → youtuber


Zébu → zebu
Zoulou → zulu


A verb from the 1rst group

Chanter (to sing)

In the present tense
Je chante → I am singing
Tu chantes→ You are singing
Il/elle chante→ He/she singing
Nous chantons→ We are singing
Vous chantez→ You are singing
Ils/elles chantent→ They are singing

In the past tense (le passé composé)
J'ai chanté → I sang
Tu as chanté→ You sang
Il/elle a chanté→ He/she sang
Nous avons chanté→ We sang
Vous avez chanté→ You sang
Ils/elles ont chanté→ They sang

In the future tense
Je chanterai → I will sing
Tu chanteras→ You will sing
Il/elle chantera→ He/she will sing
Nous chanterons→ We will sing
Vous chanterez→ You will sing
Ils/elles chanteront→ They will sing

A verb from the 2nd group

Choisir (to choose)

In the present tense
Je choisis → I am choosing
Tu choisis→ You are choosing
Il/elle choisit→ He/she is choosing
Nous choisissons→ We are choosing
Vous choisissez→ You are choosing
Ils/elles choisissent→ They are choosing

In the past tense (le passé composé)
J'ai choisi → I have chosen
Tu as choisi→ You have chosen
Il/elle a choisi→ He/she has chosen
Nous avons choisi→ We have chosen
Vous avez choisi→ You have chosen
Ils/elles ont choisi→ They have chosen

In the future tense
Je choisirai → I will choose
Tu choisiras→ You wouill choose
Il/elle choisira→ He/she will choose
Nous choisirons→ We will choose
Vous choisirez→ You will choose
Ils/elles choisiront→ They will choose

A verb from the 3rd group

Vendre (to sell)

In the present tense
Je vends → I am selling
Tu vends→ You are selling
Il/elle vend → He/she is selling
Nous vendons→ We are selling
Vous vendez→ You are selling
Ils/elles vendent→ They are selling

In the past tense (le passé composé)
J'ai vendu → I sold
Tu as vendu→ You sold
II/elle a vendu→ He/she sold
Nous avons vendu→ We sold
Vous avez vendu→ You sold
Ils/elles ont vendu→ They sold

In the future tense
Je vendrai → I will sell
Tu vendras→ You will sell
Il/elle vendra→ He/she will sell
Nous vendrons→ We will sell
Vous vendrez→ You will sell
Ils/elles vendront→ They will sell

Have a look at the others articles (for a newbie and others) (no classroom) for a variety of resources (app - app, flashcards,...), to learn a variety of expressions, French expressions, conjugation, flashcards. Improving your conversations with movies, listen to French movies to have better conversations. To have a immersion-like feeling, to prepare your immersion in France or in a French speaking country. To reach your goals, your French goals ! To get more confidence without studying in a classroom. Confidence to talk with French native speakers.

Learn French in 30 lessons with flashcards vocabulary for translation,
pronunciation, vocabulary

Beginner : learn French through stories for pronunciation, vocabulary

Learners, teacher, students : learn French with textbooks pdf

Learners, beginner : learn the basics in French for translation

Students, speakers : learn French phrases with pictures for resources 

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Thomas 😀


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