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Download PDF – 24 hours to communicate in FRENCH
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Countdown to French: Learn to Communicate in 24 Hours (Countdown (McGraw-Hill))
It is organized in 24 units, you need to take maximum 1 hour to go through them. It begins with an introduction of the French basics of grammar, then you are going to get conversational skills, practicing the oral communciation, then you will be able to use these skills when you will be in vacations and if you are travelling for business reasons.
Here is a part of the content:
1 – To improve your accent (accent and perfection, stress, liaison, vowels, nasals,…)
2 – How to recognize and to use the nouns? (gender, cognates,…)
3 – How the present tense verbs are working? (subject and pronous, verbs, irregular verbs,…)
4 – How to use the past tense? (le passé composé) (how to form le passé composé with avoir?, how to use le passé composé with être?, special verbs, the imperfect (l’imparfait), the pluperfect (le plus-que-parfait), the past definite (le passé simple),…
5 – The future: the future, the future perfect, the conditionnal, the past conditionnal, conditionnal sentences,…
6 – How to use the adjectives and verbs? (feminine adjectives, past participle used as adjectives, how to form the irregular adjectives?, making adjectives plural, position of adjectives, adjectives with different meanings,…)
7 – How to greet and say ‘bye’, reflexive verbs, nationalities, the family,…
8 – How to invite and reply with verbs and prepositions (invitations, places, stress pronouns, how to acecept and refuse an invitation?, how to express indecision and indifference,…)
9 – The numbers (cardinal numbers, nouns of numbers, ordinal numbers, days and months and seasons,…)
Here are some reviews:
‘I have bought two books, and I can say that they are easy to follow, it covers all I want to know. It is really nice to study the French language’
‘I have seen this book for the first time in a bookstore, I am kind of a newbie at the French language, the French grammar rules explanations are easy to understand. It does not teach ony the French grammar rules but a lot of others things to improve your French. Obviously it is not possible to communicate in 24 hours. It is going to take time to know and to be able to use, for example, the future tense and past tense. You can understand the rules completely but it will be harder and it will take mor time to be able to use it. I hope they are going to make the same type of books for others languages. I strongly suggest you to use it!’
Obviously, it is not possible to learn French in 24 hours, but you can set up a schedule to reach some goals to improve it.
The 24 hours challenge
I offer you a challenge: 24 hours to improve the French language, without teachers. I give you here 2 topics to study during 24 hours, the goal is to master them easily. While doing this you are going to improve your memory, fluency and your confidence in using them. Then, use them in conversations.
The structure of the sentence
The structure of the sentence is one of the most important element when you learn a language, if you got it, you got a lot of the language. The sentence structure in French is the same as in English.
For an affirmative phrase, this is: subject + verb + complement
Let us see examples:
-Je suis en train de manger du pain → I am eating some bread
Je = the subject / suis = the verb être (to be) / en train de manger du pain = the complement
–Je mange des pommes → I eat apples
Je = the subject / mange = the verb manger (to eat) / des pommes = the complement
–J’ai 100 euros dans ma poche → I have one hundreds euros in my pocket
–Il y a 100 moutons dans le champ → There are one hundreds sheeps in the field
For a question, this is: Est-ce que + subject + verb + complement OR verb + subject + complement
Let us see examples:
–Est-ce que tu vas à la plage maintenant ? → Are you going to the beach now?
Est-ce que / tu = the subject / vas = the verb aller (to go) / à la plage maintenant = the complement
-Vas-tu à la plage tous les ans ? → Do you go to the beach every year?
Vas = the verb / tu = the subject / à la plage tous les ans = the complement
For a negative sentence, this is: subject + ne + verb + pas (plus) + complement
Let us see examples:
–Je ne veux pas manger de soupe → I don not want to eat soup.
Je = the subject / ne / veux (to want) = the verb / pas / manger de soupe = the complement
-Je ne veux plus travailler → I do not want to work anymore
Je = the subject / ne / veux (to want) = the verb / plus / travailler = the complement
The directions
Here I give you a few expressions related to the directions.
Tournez à droite → turn right
Au prochain feu tournez à droite → At the next traffic light, turn right
Tournez à gauche → turn left
Tournez à gauche après la boulangerie → Turn left after the bakery
Allez tout droit → go straight
Allez tout droit au rond point → Go straight at the roundabout
Traverser le pont → to go accross the bridge
Traverser le pont, le bâtiment sera juste en face de vous → Go accross the bridge the building will be right in front of you
Traverser la rue → to go accross the street
Traverser la rue au passage piéton → Go across the street at the pedestrian crossing
Prenez la deuxième rue à droite → take the second street to the right
Prenez la deuxième rue à droite avant le grand bâtiment → Take the second street on the right before the big building
Prenez la première rue à gauche → Take the first road on the left
Prenez la première rue à gauche après la mairie → Take the first street on the left after the town hall
Have a look at the others articles for others resources: app, improve your memory, different variety of topics, a variety of resources with transcripts and without translations, to get more fluency, more confidence.
Beginners: French learning videos for pronunciation and vocabulary
Learners, beginners: learn how to speak French for beginners with
pictures and sound for vocabulary
Learn French offline phrasebook apk babbel for translations, app,
Learners, teachers, students: learn French with native speakers
Speakers, students: best podcast to learn French for expressions
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Thank you for reading this article!
Thomas 😀
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