Hi, Welcome all on Fast French Learning, the blog to Learn and Improve your French 🇫🇷 😀
With all these exercises, I offer you a few exercises (you will not make hem in a classroom but in a terrasse of a café, hey !), but I suggest you to make as well your own sentences an your own exercises, so you brain will work differently, you will do an active learnning, so you will have a better understanding of the language : conversations, a variety of French expressions, reaching your goals, be ready for your immersion in France or in a French speaking country, to talk with native speakers. I suggest you to study with a variety of resources, using translation. Do not forget to use an app, you can study wherever you want because you always have your app on your phone.
The verb être (to be) at different tenses
1rst week - The present tense (conjugation)
Je suis → I am
Tu es → you are
Il/elle est → He/she is
Nous sommes → We are
Vous êtes → You are
Ils/elles sont → They are
Let us see some examples, some sentences to put the verb in a context :
Je suis à la plage avec mes enfants→ I am at the beach with my children
Tu es au marché à côté de chez toi → You are at the market next to your home
Il/elle est en train de faire la cuisine → He/she is cooking
Nous sommes fatigués d’étudier pour les examens→ We are tired to study for the exams
Vous êtes heureux de faire la fête → You are happy to party
Ils/elles sont au lit parce qu’ils/elles sont malades → They are in bed because they are sick
2nd week - The future (futur proche) (conjugation)
Notice that the futur proche is build with the verb aller (to go) + the verb être (to be)
Je vais être→ I am going to be
Tu vas être → you are going to be
Il/elle va être → He/she is going to be
Nous allons être → We are going to be
Vous allez être → You are going to be
Ils/elles vont être → They are going to be
Let us see some examples, some sentences to put the verb in a context :
Je vais être heureux demain car je vais voir des amis → I am going to be happy tomorrow because I will visit friends
Tu vas être mouillé après la balade parce qu’il pleut → you are going to be wet after the walk because it is raining
Il/elle va être tendu avant son examen → He/she is going to be tense before his/her exam
Nous allons être content de rentrer à la maison → We are going to be happy to go back home
Vous allez être bien accueillis dans cet hotel → You are going to be well received in this hotel
Ils/elles vont être déçu de se balader dans le froid → They are going to be disapointed to walk in the cold
3rd week - How to build a question
How to ask something, let us see the little words to build a question : Où (where), quand (when), combien (how much), comment (how). You put these little words at the beginning of the sentence, for the formal French.
To talk about the place : Où allez-vous ? – A Milan → Where are you going ? – To Milan
To talk about the time : Quand partez-vous ? – Demain → When do you leave ? – Tomorrow
To talk about the quantity : Combien payez-vous ? – 1000 euros → How much do you pay ? – 1000 euros
To talk about the manner : Comment partez-vous ? – En train → How do you leave ? – By train
For the informal French, the little word is placed at the end of the question.
Vous allez où ?
Vous partez quand ?
C’est combien ?
Vous partez comment ?
Here is an exercise to practice
The instruction is to transform according to the pattern. Write your choice in the comments and I will tell you if it is ok or not, and I will give you the correction.
1-Vous partez lundi ou mardi ? → Are you leaving on Monday or on Tuesday ?
2-Vous allez à la mer ou à la montagne ? → Are you going to the sea or to the mountains ?
3-Vous partez en bus ou en train ? → Are you leaving by bus or by train ? .....................................................................................
4-Vous revenez samedi ou dimanche ? → Are you coming back on Saturday or on Sunday ?
Here are the answers, hide them now, do the exercise and then check the answers.
1-Quand partez-vous ?
2-Où allez-vous ?
3-Comment partez-vous ?
4-Quand revenez-vous ?
Match the questions and answers : write your choice in the comments and I will tell you if it is ok or not, and I will give you the correction.
Questions | Answers |
Où arrive le bus ? (Where does the bus stop ?) | A trois heures |
Quand part le prochain bus ? (When does the next bus leave ?) | Moins d’une heure |
Combien coûte le billet ? (How much is the ticket ?) | Sur la place |
Combien de temps dure le voyage ? (How long is the trip ?) | 8 euros |
4th week - How to use Il y a ?
Il y a (there is/there are) signals the presence or existence of something in a place :
Sous un arbre, il y a un éléphant → Under a tree there is an elephant
Au bord de l’eau, il y a un lion → At the water's edge there is a lion
En Afrique, il y a des girafes → In Africa there are giraffes
En Inde, il y a des tigres → In India there are tigers
Questions : Qu’est-ce qu’il y a... ?
Qu’est-ce qu’il y a dans la pièce ? – ll y a une table → What is in the room ? - There is a table
Qu’est-ce qu’il y a sur la table ? – ll y a des livres → What is on the table ? – There are books
Negation : Il n’y a pas de...
Est-ce qu’il y a un lit ? - Non, il n’y a pas de lit → Is there a bed ? No, there is no bed
Est-ce qu’il y a des fleurs ? – Non, il n’y a pas de fleurs → Are there flowers ? - No, there are no flowers
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Have a look at others articles for courses out of classroom, motivation in learning, reaching your goals, French expressions, getting more fluency, immersion-like feeling, motivation, resources, and movies, French movies.
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Thank you for reading this article !
Thomas 😀