How long to learn to speak French? Top sentences to know for your first 24 hours in France

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10 lines you need to meet people

Comment t'appelles-tu ? → What's your name?
Bonjour comment t'appelles-tu ? → Hello, what's your name?

Es-tu déjà allé en France ? → Have you been to France?
Non, c’est la première fois → No, it is my first time.

Comment vas-tu ? / Comment ça va ? → How are you ? / How are you doing?
Ça va bien → I am fine

Aimes-tu la cuisine française ? → Do you like French food ?

C’est quand votre anniversaire ? (formal) / C’est quand ton anniversaire ? (informal) → When is your birthday?
Mon anniversaire est le ... → My birthday is the ...

D’où venez-vous ? → Where are you from?
Je viens d’Angleterre → I come from England

Où as-tu appris le français ? → Where did you learn French?

Où habitez-vous ? → Where do you live?
J’habite aux Etats-Unis → I live in the United states

Où sont les toilettes ? → Where is the bathroom ?

Où travaillez-vous ? (formal) / Où travailles-tu ? (informal) → Where do you work?

Je travaille en tant que designer → I work as a designer

Grocery store in France

Do you want to buy a few things?

-Bonjour  → Hello
Avez-vous la carte de fidélité du magasin ? → Do you have the store’s loyalty card?
-Oui, voilà → Yes, here you are
-Alors, cela fera 67 euros et 89 centimes, s’il vous plait → So, this will be 67 euros et 89 cents, please.  
Merci → Thank you
Voici votre monnaie → Here is your change
-Bonne journée, au revoir → Have a nice day, goodbye
-Merci, vous aussi, au revoir → Thanks, you too, good bye

How to do grocery shopping?

Do you want to go shopping at le supermarché (the supermarket)? I give you here some tips. If you go to France you are going to see that there few chain supermarket with services de station-essence (gas station services). In general people in france goes to run some errands once a week. If you prefer using a shopping car, you need maybe one euro (that you are going to get back once you have finished to shop), you are going to find them in the parking lot. If you want to buy some vegetables and some fruits you need to weight them by yourself, before to pay at the cashier. You need to place the fruits on a weighing balance, to push in the button and then you are going to get a barcode sticker that comes out of the weighing balance. You are going to put the barecode sticker in the plastic bag in which the fruits and vegetables are. Sometimes, since a few years some supermarket ask for money for the bags, so if you do not want to pay for it you need to bring your own bags. If you want to pay less than usual, you subscribe to une carte de fidelité (supermarket loyalty card), you are going to get more and more points if you buy specific items. The more points you have the more you are able to get some gifts. Some shops (magasins spécialisés) have specifics products like cheese, tobacco, organic food,... When the shopping is done do not forget to say bonne journée (have a good day) to the cashier.

Top travel phrases you should know

Excusez-moi → excuse me
Everytime you bump into someone ot you step on the foot because the metro is crowded, or if you want to call for the other’s attention.

Combien ça coûte ? → How much is this?  
Sometimes you won’t find the price on the items you are looking for.
Cet objet, combien ça coûte ? → This item, how much is it?

Où est la gare ? → Where is the train station?
This one can be quite convenient if you are in a big city.
Où est le métro ?

Le wifi est-il gratuit ? → Is the Wi-Fi free?
If you want the Wi-Fi in France, some coffe shops have it, they advertise it.

Je voudrais ceci → I’d like this
Je voudrais ceci, s’il vous plait → I’d like this, please If you do not know the name of what you want, inthe menu, you can just point it and say
Je voudrais ceci, s’il vous plait.

Pourrions-nous avoir le menu, s’il vous plait ? → Could we have the menu, please?
Usually you have to ask for it, sometimes the place is very crowded, so you can ask le menu, s’il vous plait.

Avez-vous des recommandations ? → Do you have any recommendations?
If you are at a bar and you want some cocktails, you can say
J’aimerais quelque chose de fruité, avez-vous des recommandations ? → I’d like something fruity. Do you have any recommendations ?

Je suis allergique aux cacahuètes → I am allergic to peanuts
If you have any allergies be sure to ask whenever you are going out or trying to eat something. People will be really nice about it. Sometimes it is even on the menu.

Avez-vous des plats végétariens ? → Do you have any vegetarian dishes?
If you are vegetarian or vegan, there will be a sign on the menu saying « this dish contains no meat » or « this is vegan safe » or « ... »

Pourrais-je avoir l’addition ? → Could I have the check?
Pourrais-je avoir l’addition, s’il vous plait ? → Could I have the check, please?

Prenez-vous la carte de crédit ? → Do you take credit card?
Puis-je payer avec ma carte de crédit ? → Can i paly by credit card?

Teachers : download for free best youtube basic French learning video tutorials for vocabulary, lessons

Beginner : French learning tools for lessons, vocabulary

Learners, beginner, teachers : how to learn French in 1 year

Learners : how to speak French fluently easily for fluency, pronunciation

Speakers : best book to learn business French for translation, pronunciation

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Thomas 😀

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