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Hi, Welcome all on Fast French Learning, the blog to Learn and Improve your French 🇫🇷 😀
To see the reviews of books with CDs, cinema movies, or other books collection, have a look at the previous articles, you will find what you want ! Movies from the cinema, collection books, or workbooks with flashcards to increase your stock-word.
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Practice Make Perfect French Word-stock
It can be used by a teacher. It helps to have a bigger word-stock by giving practice, by encouraging you to learn new French words, so you can get more words everytime, it is nice for the speakers, to hold conversations with native people. It contains different topics : nouns related to family, how to travel, French holidays and traditions, how to take the train, how to grow your own garden, French words related to the body, your house, your family and friends, what you studied in school, your favorite TV show,…
It provides more than 120 exercises, explanations on French grammar,…
Here is the content :
- The nouns : people, animals and nature, places, shopping, travelling, communication, numbers-time and measures,…
- The adjectives : the gender and the number and the position of the adjectives, health and nutrition, animals and nature, work, home, school,holidas,…
- The verbs : thoughts and feelings, to live at home, travelling, entertainment,…
- The adverbs : place, manner, time, and quantity,…
- The word stock for technology
It is a very easy to read and to use book. The instructions are all in the English language, so it is easy to understand what you need to do. It consists of filling in the blank and to choose the correct answer from a specific list. The answers to the problems are at the end of the book, so you can determine if you have the right or the wrong answer..
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Mastering French Words
Among the French language resources and textbooks, it is a great one. It contains around 13 000 terms. It includes an audio MP3 (cds) (it presents approximatively 10 hours of audio), so you can listen to the correct accent in the French language, and getting conversations skills and consolidate your foundation. All the French words are categorized in different topics, which helps the people who wants to learn the French language and the travelers who go to France to find the words that are related by subjects. The subjects are : the business words, medical words, scientific words and phrases, clothing, food, transportation, art and culture,… It is very useful for GCSE revision.
Here is are some reviews :
« Now when I am communicating with friends, for me everything is much simple because I do not have to think of what I am saying»
« The fact that we use the association makes things much easier, so the order in which you are going to see the French words is logical. It explains things like false friends as well, I appreciate it, as well that the meaning of some French words depends on the context or on the position in the sentence. You are going to beprovided with the phonetic spelling for every French words. Little idioms and short sentences »
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Easy Learning French Complete Grammar, Verbs and Words-stock (3 books in 1)
One of the nice textbooks.
Here is the content of the book :
Nouns (using nouns, gender,…), Articles (different types of article, the definite article le, la, l’ and les, the indefinite article (un, une and des),…), Adjectives (using adjectives, making adjectives agree, word order with adjectives,…), Pronouns (personal pronouns : subject, direct object, indirect object,…), Verbs (conjugation) (the present tense : regular –er, regular –ir, regular –re,…), Negatives, Questions (how to ask a question in the French language, question words), Adverbs (how adverbs are used, how adverbs are formed, comparative and superlative of adverbs,…), Prepositions (how prepositions are used, à-de and en, some other common prepositions,…), Conjunctions (et-mais-ou-parce que and si, some other common conjunctions, the conjunction que), Numbers, Time and date, Some common difficulties, The alphabet,…
It is an easy-to-follow book. It is very comprehensive as it explains the english meaning of many grammatical terms. The word-stock is grouped in subjects such as « at the airport » so helpful in some situations.
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French (Quickstudy: Academic)
It can be used by a teacher. It gives the basisc of everyday life. One of the great resources for children and adults readers. It is easy to use with a big choice of categories. It is very nice and very handy.
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French-English Bilingual Visual Dictionary (DK Bilingual Visual Dictionary) (English Edition)
This is a bilingual visual dictionary. This is a nice guide with illustrations for word-stock, easy to read. It is nice for tourists and business travelers. You can use it when you buy food, when you are talking about work, when you are discussing about health, when you are studying a foreign language. You are going to get as well an easy-to-use audio app, to practice your oral skills. The images help you to remember the words. It is well structured. If you have a visual memory this is the book to have.
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First 100: First 100 Words / Numbers Colors Shapes / First 100 Animals
It contains flashcards of different animals.
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2000 Most Common French Words in Context: Get Fluent & Increase Your French word-stock with 2000 French Phrases
This book contains an introduction with some tips on how to improve your way of learning, a list of the most common words in the French language and their English language version (2000 words), an example sentence for each word in both the French language and the English language. This book put the words in context, which is really efficient to improve. It is good to consolidate your foundation.
Beginners, learners : books to learn french grammar for beginners
for vocabulary
Beginners : best app to learn French in the car while driving
for lessons, vocabulary
Learners : books to learn French in your car for lessons, pronunciation
Students : download for free best learning cds to learn to speak French
in the car for translation, pronunciation
Speakers, students : how to learn French in 10 days for conjugation
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Thomas 😀
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