Hi, Welcome all on Fast French Learning, the blog to Learn and Improve your French 🇫🇷 😀
Do you want to use the time you spend in your car to learn something new, to learn a foreign language ? What is the driving time you have everyday ? 15 minutes ? 30 minutes ? More than 1 hour ?
Why do you not use all this time to get better at speaking French ? Instead of just listenting to songs, music, news from the radio during the commute you do everyday, you could learn a new language on this case your target language is the French language.
I introduce you three learning easy methods to learn a language in your car.
1 – You can listen to audio courses by teachers which are true professors and they are native French people.
You focus on the road and at the same time listening to French course. For example : conversations, new phrases, cultural things,... With the audio approach you can drive safety and learn at the same time.
2 – You can play them automatically and do not change anything anymore until the end of your commute.
You can keep your hands on the wheel, without touching to your audio device. When a new course is beginning you do not have to do anything, everything is automatic.
3 – If you are alone in your car you can repeat what you listen to outloud, maybe shout
Learning can be fun and easy. You could learn the French language quickly as you are exposed on a daily basis to it, while you are driving. So, you can learn the French language without changing your daily planning.
Some sentences that you can learn while you are driving
A quelle heure est-ce que la nuit tombe ?
When does it get dark ?
A quelle heure faut-il quitter la chambre ?
What time is checkout ?
A quelle heure ouvre la banque ?
What time does the bank open ?
A quelle heure part l’avion ?
What time does the plane leave ?
A quelle part le bateau ?
What time does the boat leave ?
A quelle heure part le bus ?
What time does the bus leave ?
A quelle part le car ?
What time does the coach leave ?
A quelle heure part le dernier train ?
When is the last train ?
A quelle heure part le premier train ?
When is the first train ?
A quelle heure part le prochain train ?
When is the next train ?
A quelle heure part le train ?
What time does the train leave ?
A quelle heure part le tramway ?
What time does the tram leave ?
A quelle heure se retrouve-t-on ?
What time shall we meet ?
A qui désirez-vous parler ?
Who do you want to speak to ?
Acceptez-vous les cartes ?
Do you accept cards ?
Acceptez-vous les cartes de crédit ?
Do you accept credit cards ?
Acceptez-vous les chèques de voyage ?
Do you accept travellers cheques ?
Aimes-tu cette chanson ?
Do you like this song ?
Allons ailleurs
Let’s go somewhere else
Allons-nous acheter cela ?
Will we buy this ?
Amuse-toi bien !
Have fun !
Appelez la police.
Call the police.
Appelez une ambulance !
Call an ambulance !
Arrêtez !
Stop !
Au coin de la rue.
Around the corner.
Au début de...
At the beginning of...
Here are the words in one-go, you can listen to them while driving !
Au feu !
Fire !
Au revoir
Auriez-vous une chaise haute ?
Would you have a highchair
Autre chose ?
Anything else ?
The day before yesterday.
Avez-vous de la documentation sur les sites de région ?
Do you have information on local sights ?
Avez-vous des produits de commerce équitable ?
Do you have Fair Trade products ?
Avez-vous l’électricité ?
Do you have electricity ?
Avez-vous quelque chose de moins cher ?
Do you have something cheaper ?
Avez-vous un appartement à louer ?
Do you have an aprtment for rent ?
Avez-vous un câble pour cet appareil photo ?
Do you have a cable for this camera ?
Avez-vous une chambre à louer ?
Do you have a room for rent ?
Avez-vous une maison à louer ?
Do you have a house for rent ?
Avez-vous une villa à louer ?
Do you have a villa for rent ?
Bien joué !
Well done !
Bienvenue !
Welcome !
Bon appétit !
Enjoy your meal !
Bon après-midi.
Good afternoon.
Bon voyage.
Have a good trip.
Bonjour, je m’appelle Thomas.
Hello, my name is Thomas.
Bonne année !
Happy New Year !
Bonne chance !
Good luck !
Bonne continuation.
All the best.
Bonne fin de séjour.
Enjoy the rest of your stay.
Bonnes vacances.
Have a nice vacation.
Here are the words in one-go, you can listen to them while driving !
Good evening.
C’est à cinq minutes à pied.
It is five minutes away on foot.
C’est à cinq minutes en voiture.
It is five minutes away by car.
Est-ce que c’est loin en tramway ?
Is it far by tram ?
C’est à côté de...
It is beside...
C’est à dix minutes à pied.
It is ten minutes away on foot.
C’est à dix minutes en voiture.
It is ten minutes away by car.
C’est à droite.
It is on the right.
C’est à gauche.
It is on the left.
C’est à l’est.
It is east.
C’est à l’ouest.
It is west.
C’est âbimé.
It is faulty.
C’est au coin.
It is on the corner.
C’est au nord.
It is north.
C’est au sud.
It is south.
C’est cassé.
It is broken.
C’est combien ?
How much is it ?
Nous aimerions louer une moto
We would like to rent a motorbike
Nous devons payer d’avance ?
Do we need to pay upfront ?
C’est combien par personne ?
How much is it per person ?
C’est délicieux.
It is delicious.
C’est derrière...
It is behind...
C’est devant...
It is in front of...
C’est fermé.
It is closed.
C’est humide.
It is humid.
C’est ici.
It is here.
C’est insensé.
It is insane.
Here are the words in one-go, you can listen to them while driving !
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Thank you for reading this article !
Thomas 😀