Hi, Welcome all on Fast French Learning, the blog to Learn and Improve your French 🇫🇷 😀

Do you want to learn the French language ? Do you want to improve your lexicon with the application ReWord:
It contains :
- A lot of French language words and sentences seperated into different categories
- The audio of English language words that you can download for all the categories
- The spaced repetition system
- You can use it offline
- User friendly

The application « French 5000 Words with Pictures » is nice to use, it is fun as well. It makes you feel « I want to learn the French language ». You are going to learn new words of the French language while using pictures that illustrate the words, it comes with audios made by natives people.
You can use it offline and it is a free to use.
It contains :
- Audio tracks for pronunciation, and pictures
- You can use it offline
- A lot of games to learn the French language
- French language words that you are going to use in your everyday life
- This is free, everything is free

You are going to find a lot of different topics, a lot of different French language words. Each French language word comes with an image to illustrate it and as well with an audio so it is going to be much easier for you to remember it.

Do you want to learn and do you want to master the French language ! You are goignt o learn some new French words everyday. You are going to learn how to pronounce French words in a correct way.
It is easy to learn some new French words evderyday.
You are going to learn as well the synonyms, antonyms, French expressions, useful French language words,...
- The words are choosen by experts
- There are meaning, example phrases for every word

This application is really easy to use.
- 57 categories to get to know : more than 2000 important words
- Translation
- The application gives you a reminder
- You can use it offline
- It contains some tests to check your knowledge You can record yourself
Colors (lescouleurs), animals (les animaux), food (la nourriture), fruits (les fruits), vegetables (les végétaux), house (la maison), transports (les transports), city (la ville), clothes (les vêtements), nature (la nature), tools (les outils), material (le matériel), agriculture (l’agriculture), anatomy (l’anatomie), art (l’art), astronomy (l’astronomie), birds (les oiseaux), boats (les bateaux), buildings, (les bâtiments), business (le business), car (la voiture), cat (le chat), computers (les ordinateurs), dog (le chien), drinks (les boissons), electronics (l’éléctronique), fish (le poisson), flowers (les fleurs), geography (lagéographie), geometry (la géométrie), insects (les insectes), jewelry (les bijoux), kitchen (la cuisine), metal (le métal), military (militaire), minerals (les minéraux), music (la musique), mythology (la mythologie), physics (la physique), plane (un avion), plant (les plantes), reptiles (les reptiles), science (la science), sports (les sports), tourism (le tourisme), trees (les arbres), weapon (les armes), weather (le temps),...

Do you want to learn the French language ?
It contains :
- 1500 French words
- 1100 French sentences
- You can use it offline, so with no internet connection
- French words
- French sentences
- It contains audio files
- It is an easy to use application
It comes with a guide which is easy to use. It requires 15 minutes a day to learn the basics of the French language, some French words, some French verbs. At the same time you are going to learn how to find your way around Paris. It is divided in 3 sections, it is easy to use.
You can learn the French language offline. You are going to work on the accent of the French language, how to ask for your way in a city, how to ask for help.
- You are going to be introduced the French and Alphabet
- You are going to learn the most common French language verbs
- You are going to learn how to greet and how to have small talks
- You are going to learn French language sentences
- You can use it offline
- You are going to learn how to say the numbers in the French Language
- You are going to learn how to start talks
- You are going to know where to eat in Paris
- You are going to learn how to find your way around Paris
- You are going to learn how to say the time and the date
It contains French words, sentences, verbs for newbies. It is focused on the accent and comprehension. You are going to learn as well how to read the French language within 30 days.
- Part 1: Subjects and French words. This is the principle part, it contains a list of chapters with French words for specific subjects
- Part 2: English language to French language. It is like a French dictionnary
- Part 3: Verbs from the English language to the French language. It is very easy to use it. I suggest you to study the sentences first, to consolidate your foundation.
Learners : best basic intermediate and advanced French learning apps
for app, vocabulary
Learners : French learning games app for app, vocabulary
French learning tools for app, lessons, vocabulary
Beginner : learn French grammar app for flashcards, app
Students : learn French with an audio app for flashcards, app
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- Facebook page
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- Youtube
Thank you for reading this article !
Thomas 😀
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