Grammar rule : demonstrative determinants – the simple form

Hello English speakers who want to learn French 🙂  !

In this article I share with you a grammar rule :

  • What are the demonstrative determinants ?
  • How to use the simple form of demonstrative determinants in a sentence ?


Table of simple form of demonstrative determinants

Masculine singular

Feminine singular


Ce - Cet




What are the demonstrative determinants

  • A demonstrative determinant is used to show an object

Example :

Regarde cette fourmi (sur le sol). → Look at this ant (on the floor).

Regarde cette étoile (dans le ciel). → Look at this star (in the sky).

The object is near or far.

  • It designates a moment of the current day

Example :

ce matin - cet après-midi - ce soirthis morning - this afternoon - tonight = today

le matin - l’après-midi - le soirmorning - afternoon - evening = in general


Uses of the demonstrative determinant

  • They agree with the name
Ce + masculine singular noun
Cet + singular masculine noun that begins with a vowel or a mute h
Cette + singular feminine noun
Ces + plural noun

Example :

Ce camion (un camion is a masculine singular noun) → this truck

Cet arbre (un arbre is a masculine singular noun, he begins with a vowel) → this tree

Cet hôpital (un hôpital is a masculine singular noun, he begins with a mute h) → this hospital

Cette automobile (une automobile is a singular feminine noun) → this automobile

Cette fleur (une fleur is a singular feminine noun) → this flower

Ces voitures (voitures is a plural noun) → these cars

  • It can represent a person or thing that is present in the context in which one is at the moment one speaks

Example :

Take these boots.

For example, before going out to walk in the rain, a mother tells her child to take the boots in the cupboard and show it to her.

  • It may also recall a person or thing designated in the text

Example :

Tony bought a suit in London. This suit suits him well.

This costume refers to a costume.


Demonstrative determinants + adjectives

  • When the determinant precedes a noun (or an adjective qualifying that noun) that begins with a vowel or a mute h, it must be used cet instead of ce.

Example :

-ce discours : cet accablant discours this speech : this overwhelming speech
-cet homme : ce vieil homme this man : this old man
-cet artisan : ce jeune artisan
this craftsman : this young craftsman



1 - Ne touchez pas à………………….………………………………………………………………………………plante (féminin) !

Do not touch this plant !

2 - Admirez avec moi……………….………………………………………………………………………joli tableau (masculin) !
Admire with me this beautiful painting.

3 - ………………………………………………………………….…….…fois (féminin), je crois que nous sommes perdus !
This time, I think we are lost!

4 - À qui sont………………………………………………………………………………………………..objets (pluriel) sur le sol ?
Whose are these objects on the ground ?

5 - ……………………………………………………………………………été (masculin), nous irons quelques jours à Paris.

This summer, we will go to Paris for a few days.

6 - En……………………………………………………………………………………….…saison (féminin), les jours rallongent.
In this season, the days are getting longer.

7 - Je crois que…………………………………………………………………….…….jeune enfant (masculin) est souffrant.
I think this young child is suffering.

8 - Comment se nomme………….……………………………………...homme (masculin) dont vous m'avez parlé ?

What is the name of this man you told me about ?

9 - …………………………………………….…..brouillard (masculin) dense gêne considérablement la circulation.
This dense fog greatly hampers circulation.

10 - Il faut jeter………………………………………………………………………………….fleurs (pluriel), elles sont fanées.

We must throw these flowers, they are faded.



1 - cette

2 - ce

3 - Cette

4 - ces

5 - Cet

6 - cette

7 - ce

8 - cet

9 - Ce

10 - ces


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See you English speaker who want to learn french 🙂

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