Hello English speakers who want to learn French 🙂 !
The relative pronouns QUI and QUE.
In this article I share with you how to use the relative pronouns:
QUI and QUE are relative pronouns
Not to be confused with the interrogative words
Qui va là ? → Who's there ? Que veux-tu ? → What do you want ? Or with the conjunction Je veux que tu partes. → I want you to leave. |
The relative pronouns QUI
- QUI replaces the subject
Example :
Ali a un frère. Ce frère est pilote. → Ali has a brother. This brother is a pilot.
Ali a un frère qui est pilote. → Ali has a brother who is a pilot.
The subject Ce frère of the sentence Ce frère est pilote is replaced by qui in the sentence Ali a un frère qui est pilote.
- QUI is followed by a verb
Example :
Ali a un frère qui est pilote. → Ali has a brother who is a pilot.
qui is followed by the verb est (infinitive: être).
The relative pronouns QUE
- QUE remplaces the direct object complement (DOC)
Example :
Tu as regardé la vidéo ? Je t’ai envoyé cette vidéo. → Did you watch the video ? I sent you this video.
Tu as regardé la vidéo que je t’ai envoyée ? → Did you watch the video I sent you ?
The DOC vidéo of the sentence Je t’ai envoyé cette vidéo is replaced by que.
- QUE is followed by the subject
Tu as regardé la vidéo que je t’ai envoyée ? → Did you watch the video I sent you ?
que is followed by the subject je.
QUE turns into QU’ before a vowel (a e i o u).
QUI does not transform in front of a vowel.
The choice of QUI or QUE depends on the function (Subject / DOC) and whether it is followed by the subject or the verb.
1 - Je t’ai acheté une robe. La robe est trop petite.
I bought you a dress. The dress is too small.
La robe……………………………………….………………………………………………………………j'ai achetée est trop petite.
The dress I bought is too small.
2 - Tu m'as dit une chose. Je ne te pardonnerai jamais cette chose.
You told me one thing. I will never forgive you for this thing.
Tu m'as dit une chose…………………………………………………………………..……..je ne te pardonnerai jamais.
You told me one thing that I will never forgive you.
3 - Je connais une personne. Cette personne parle très bien français.
I know a person. This person speaks very good French.
Je connais une personne………………………………………………………………………………parle très bien français.
I know someone who speaks French very well.
4 - Tu as acheté une voiture. Cette voiture est une Renault.
You bought a car. This car is a Renault.
La voiture………………………………………………………………………………………………tu as achetée est une Renault.
The car you bought is a Renault.
5 - J’ai eu un chien pour Noël. Ce chien s’appelle Fifi.
I had a dog for Christmas. This dog is called Fifi.
Le chien…………………………………………………………………………………………………j’ai eu pour Noël s’appelle Fifi.
The dog I got for Christmas is called Fifi.
6 - Ton copain travaille chez Google. Ton copain est ingénieur.
Your boyfriend works at Google. Your boyfriend is an engineer.
Ton copain…………………………………………………………………………………..travaille chez Google est ingénieur ?
Your boyfriend who works at Google is an engineer?
7 - Tu me parle d’un livre. Antoine m’a prêté ce livre.
You tell me about a book. Antoine lent me this book.
Tu me parles du livre…………………………………………………………………………………………….Antoine m’a prêté ?
You tell me about the book Antoine lent me?
8 - Je ne révise que ces chapitres. Ces chapitres m’intéressent.
I only review these chapters. These chapters interest me.
Je ne révise que les chapitres…………….………………………………………………………………..………..m'intéressent.
I only review the chapters that interest me.
9 - Vous pensez aller à cet hôtel. Nous avons visité cet hôtel.
You are thinking of going to this hotel. We visited this hotel
Vous pensez aller à l’hôtel………………………………………………………………………….…………..nous avons visité ?
Thinking of going to the hotel we visited?
10 - Ils ont un chat. Ce chat a des oreilles noires et une queue toute blanche.
They have a cat. This cat has black ears and a tail all white.
Ils ont un chat………………………………………………………….a des oreilles noires et une queue toute blanche.
They have a cat with black ears and a white tail.
1 - que. La robe is DOC of the verb achetée (infinitive : acheter). que is followed by the subject j’
2 - que. une chose is DOC of the verb pardonnerai (infinitive : pardonner). que is followed by the subject je
3 - qui. Cette personne is the subject of the sentence Cette personne parle très bien français. qui is followed by the verb parle (infinitif : parler)
4 - que. Cette voiture is DOC of the verb acheté (infinitive : acheter). que is followe by the subject tu
5 - que. Ce chien is DOC of the verb eu (infinitive : avoir). que is followed by te subject j’
6 - qui. Ton copain is subject of the verb est (infinitive : être). qui is followed by the verb travaille (infinitif : travailler)
7 - qu’. ce livre is DOC of the verb a prêté (infinitive : avoir prêté). qu’ is followed by the subject Antoine.
8 - qui. Ces chapitres is subject of the verb intéressent (infinitive : intéresser). qui is followed by the verb intéressent.
9 - que. cet hôtel is DOC of the verb visité (infinitive : visiter). que is followed by the subject nous.
10 - qui. Ce chat is subject of the verb a (infinitive : avoir). qui is followed by the verb a.
To complete my article you can read How to Use Qui and Que in French from http://frenchyourway.com.au.
What do you want to learn about the French language, tell me in the comments, I will write an article about it !
Thank you 🙂

Thomas Ricomard specializes in teaching French as a foreign language. He has been providing private lessons since 2015, both in-person and online (via Skype). He taught at the Popular University of the Canton of Geneva (Switzerland) from 2015 to 2018, instructing several groups of 20 students from around the world (United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Spain, Brazil, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Mexico, etc.), ranging from beginner to intermediate levels (A1 to B2). With a Master’s degree in clinical and cognitive psychology from the University of Geneva, his knowledge of psychology allows him to tailor his teaching methods for optimal learning, taking into account factors such as visual memory versus auditory memory. He expresses his passion for the French language through writing texts, including poetry and songs, which he presents publicly at numerous music and slam events.