French word

The FRENCH word of the week #12

Une chanson = a song

French word

Une chanson = a song

J’adore la chanson française.
I love French songs.

Elle écrit des chansons depuis longtemps.
She has been writing songs for a long time.

Léo Ferré, Jacques Brel et Georges Brassens ont fait des chansons qui font parties du patrimoine de la chanson française.
Léo Ferré, Jacques Brel, and Georges Brassens have created songs that are part of the French song heritage.

La chanson c’est toute ma vie.
Music is my whole life.

On va à un concert de chanson française samedi, tu veux venir ?
We're going to a French song concert on Saturday, would you like to come?

If you want to learn a new word, please write it in the comments space below.

Thomas, your French teacher 🙂

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