Thomas Ricomard Fast French Learning French word

The FRENCH word of the week #15

La côte = the coast

Thomas Ricomard Fast French Learning French word

La côte = the coast

J’habite sur la côte.
I live on the coast.

Elle passe par la côté pour aller chez elle.
She takes the coast to go home.

Ils veulent acheter une maison sur la côte.
They want to buy a house on the coast.

On aime aller sur la côte atlantique.
We enjoy going to the Atlantic coast.

Je vais marcher le long de la côte.
I am going for a walk along the coast.

Thomas Ricomard Fast French Learning French word

If you want to learn a new word, please write it in the comments space below.

Thomas, your French teacher 🙂

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