Thomas Ricomard Fast French Learning French word

The FRENCH word of the week #17

La montagne = the mountain

Thomas Ricomard Fast French Learning French word

La montagne = the mountain

J'adore faire de la randonnée en montagne pendant mes vacances d'été.
I love hiking in the mountains during my summer vacations.

La vue depuis le sommet de la montagne était à couper le souffle.
The view from the top of the mountain was breathtaking.

Les montagnes enneigées offrent un paysage hivernal magnifique.
Snow-covered mountains offer a beautiful winter landscape.

La cabane dans la montagne était notre refuge pendant notre escapade.
The mountain cabin was our refuge during our getaway.

Les sports d'hiver, comme le ski et le snowboard, sont très populaires en montagne.
Winter sports, such as skiing and snowboarding, are very popular in the mountains.

Thomas Ricomard Fast French Learning French word

If you want to learn a new word, please write it in the comments space below.

Thomas, your French teacher 🙂

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