city french words

10 city FRENCH words and expressions to use when you are walking or driving down the street

Hi, Welcome all on the Fast French Learning blog, to Learn and Improve your French 🙂

In this article, you are going to learn 10 useful city FRENCH words and expressions to use when you are walking or driving down the street. Let’s go !

1 – Une/la voiture = A/the car

Attention ! Une voiture sort du parking
Pay attention ! A car is coming out of the parking lot

2 – Une/la route = A/the road

Cette route va d’un bout à l’autre de la ville
This road goes from one end of the city to the other

3 – Un/le magasin = A/the shop

Il y a beaucoup de magasins dans cette rue
There are many shops on this street

4 – Un/le trottoir = A/the sidewalk

Les trottoirs sont petits dans cette partie de la ville
Sidewalks are small in this part of the city

5 – Un/le bus = A/the bus – – Un car/le car = A/the coach

Le bus part à 14 heures
The bus leaves at 2 PM

Nous prenons le car pour partir en vacances, nous allons à Paris
We take the bus to go on vacation, we go to Paris

6 – La/une place de parking = A/the parking space

Je vois une place de parking libre à côté du panneau publicitaire
I see a free parking space next to the advertising sign

7 – Une/l’église = A/the church

Depuis chez moi, je vois l’église du village
From home, I see the village church

8 – S’arrêter au feu rouge = Stop at the red light

La règle en voiture est de s’arrêter au feu rouge
The rule by car is to stop at the red light

9 – Courir pour attraper le bus = Run to catch the bus

Tous les matins je cours pour attraper le bus
Every morning I run to catch the bus

10 – Faire les courses = To go shopping

Je fais les courses aujourd’hui pour le repas de demain soir
I’m shopping today for tomorrow night’s meal

I hope you enjoyed to learn these city French words and expressions, and that they will be useful for your next trip to Paris 🙂

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Thank you for reading it 🙂


Here are others articles to go further in your FRENCH learning journey :


Thomas 🙂

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