The French Adjective NOUVEL 🤙

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In this article you are going to learn how to use the French Adjective NOUVEL 😃


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Let's go for the French Adjective NOUVEL 👌

What does NOUVEL mean ?

1rst definition

Which has been around for a short time.
Who appeared recently.
Example :
-Mon voisin a un nouvel ami.
My neighbour has a new friend.

2nd definition

Original, unpublished.

3rd definition

Who comes after something and replaces it.
Example :
-Dans la ville où j'habite il y a un ancien hôpital, la ville fait construire un autre hôpital, on dit que c'est un nouvel hôpital.
In the city where I live there is a former hospital, the city has another hospital built, it is said to be a new hospital.

When and How to use NOUVEL ?

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NOUVEL is a qualifying adjective

-A qualifying adjective is a word that adds to a noun.
He brings to this noun a precision, an information, a characteristic.
Example :
J’ai un nouvel ordinateur.
I have a new computer.
In this sentence the adjective nouvel gives information on the word ordinateur.
-NOUVEL is placed before a singular-masculine noun that begins with a vowel or a mute h.
Example :
J’ai un nouvel ordinateur.
I have a new computer.
The word ordinateur is a singular-masculin noun that begins with the vowel "o".

20 sentences to train

1-Dans l’immeuble nous avons un nouvel ascenseur.
In the building we have a new elevator.
The adjective nouvel is placed before the word ascenseur which is a singular-masculine noun and that begins with the vowel « a ».

How to use the French Adjective NOUVEL 🤙 ?
A new lift

2-La compagnie aérienne Air France a un nouvel avion.
The airline company Air France has a new plane.
The adjective nouvel is placed before the word avion which is a singular-masculine noun that begins with the vowel « a ».

How to use the French Adjective NOUVEL 🤙 ?
A new plane

3-Nous sommes en septembre, un nouvel automne commence.
We are in September, a new autumn begins.
The adjective nouvel is placed before the word automne which is a singular-masculine noun that begins with the vowel « a ».

4-Dans l’immeuble nous avons un nouvel escalier.
In the building we have a new staircase.
The adjective nouvel is placed before the word escalier which is a singular-masculine noun that begins with the vowel « e ».

5-Je prends un nouvel autobus pour aller au travail.
I'm taking a new bus to go to work.
The adjective nouvel is placed before the word autobus which is a singular-masculine noun that begins with the vowel « a ».

6-C’est l’été, il fait très chaud, un nouvel incendie s’est déclaré dans le sud de la France.
It's summer, it's very hot, a new fire broke out in the south of France.
The adjective nouvel is placed before the word incendie which is a singular-masculine noun that begins with the vowel « i ».

7-C’est le mois de décembre, un nouvel hiver commence !
It's the month of December, a new winter begins !
The adjective nouvel is placed before the word hiver which is a singular-masculine noun that begins with the mute h.

How to use the French Adjective NOUVEL 🤙 ?
A new winter

8-J’ai acheté un nouvel ordinateur.
I bought a new computer.
The adjective nouvel is placed before the word ordinateur which is a singular-masculine noun that begins with the vowel "o".

How to use the French Adjective NOUVEL 🤙 ?
A new computer

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To continue to improve your French, have a look at :
🇫🇷 The French Adjective NOUVEAUX 👍 🇫🇷
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9-Le nouvel hôpital a ouvert hier.
The new hospital opened yesterday.
The adjective nouvel is placed before the word hôpital which is a singular-masculine noun that begins with the mute h.

10-Mon frère a eu un nouvel accident.
My brother had a new accident.
The adjective nouvel is placed before the word accident which is a singular-masculine noun that begins with the vowel "a".

11-Sur ton fichier Word, je te suggère de changer et de mettre un nouvel en-tête.
On your Word file, I suggest you change and put a new header.
The adjective nouvel is placed before the word en-tête which is a singular-masculine noun that begins with the vowel "e".

12-Je change de vie, je vais vers un nouvel horizon.
I change my life, I go to a new horizon.
The adjective nouvel is placed before the word horizon which is a singular-masculine noun that begins with the mute h.

13-Il a acheté un nouvel habit de clown pour faire ses spectacles.
He bought a new clown suit to do his shows.
The adjective nouvel is placed before the word habit which is a singular-masculine noun that begins with the mute h.

14-Le professeur a donné un nouvel exemple aux étudiants.
The teacher gave a new example to the students.
The adjective nouvel is placed before the word exemple which is a singular-masculine noun that begins with the vowel "e".

15- J’ai trouvé un nouvel échappatoire en allant regarder des fims au cinéma.
I found a new loophole by going to watch movies in the cinema.
The adjective nouvel is placed before the word échappatoire which is a singular-masculine noun that begins with the vowel "e".

16-C’est le mois de juin, un nouvel été commence.
It's the month of June, a new summer begins.
The adjective nouvel is placed before the word été which is a singular-masculine noun that begins with the vowel "e".

How to use the French Adjective NOUVEL 🤙 ?
A new summer

17-A partir de demain, j’ai un nouvel horaire de travail.
From tomorrow, I have a new work schedule.
The adjective nouvel is placed before the word horaire which is a singular-masculine noun that begins with the mute h.

How to use the French Adjective NOUVEL 🤙 ?
A new schedule

18-Mon ami a un nouvel ulcère à l’estomac.
My friend has a new stomach ulcer.
The adjective nouvel is placed before the word ulcère which is a singular-masculine noun that begins with the vowel "h".

19-J’a trouvé un nouvel hérisson dans le jardin ce matin.
I found a new hedgehog in the garden this morning.
The adjective nouvel is placed before the word hérisson which is a singular-masculine noun that begins with the vowel "h".

20-J’ai vu un nouvel hibou dans la fôret auourd’hui.
I saw a new owl in the forest today.
The adjective nouvel is placed before the word hibou which is a singular-masculine noun that begins with the vowel "h".

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Thank you for reading this article 🙂

Thomas 🙂

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