French traditional food of la Bretagne!
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Do you like la Bretagne and its traditional food?

Le kouign- Aman
The Kouign-Amann is THE iconic pastry of the region of Bretagne in France, everyone who visits this region have to eat a kouign-amann at least one time. I ate it many times during my holidays and I love it 🙂
It is made with fermented bread dough that is covered with sugar and butter before being folded several times. After baking, the dough is golden, caramelized on the edges and melts in the mouth. You can't get enough of it!
Here are the ingredients to make it yourself:
250 g of flour
200 g of butter
200 g ofcaster sugar
10 g of fresh yeast
10 cl of water
2 pinches of salt
Some sentences to practice:
-J’adore le kouign-amann, c’est ma pâtisserie préférée.
I love kouign-Amann, it's my favourite pastry.
-Mon père est boulanger, il m’a appris à faire les kouign-amann.
My father is a baker, he taught me to make kouign-amann.
-Pour le dessert Julie a fait un kouign-amann.
For dessert Julie made a kouign-amann.

La crêpe
It’s a classic dessert, it looks like a big pancake. It’s cooked with wheat flour on a billig (the traditional steel crêpe pan in Bretagne). It is topped with a sweet filling of your choice. A perfect meal for an evening with friends.
Here are the ingredients to make it yourself:
250 g of wheat flour
50 g ofbutter
50 cl of milk
10 cl of water
4 large eggs
2 tablespoons of caster sugar
1 pinch of salt
Some sentences to practice:
-Je vais prendre une crêpe au chocolat, s’il vous plaît.
I'll have a chocolate crêpe, please.
-Est-ce que vous faites des crêpes avec de la glace à la vanille ?
Do you make crêpes with vanilla ice cream?
-Une crêpe au sucre, s’il vous plaît.
A crêpe with sugar, please.

Le far breton
The real far breton contains no fruit and is one to two centimetres thick. It is an egg custard with flour and salted butter to which a touch of rum is added to give it its characteristic taste. Variations have been found over time, until the far breton with plums that we all know.
Here are the ingredients to make it yourself:
220 g of flour
130 g of caster sugar
1 sachet of vanilla sugar
3/4 litre of milk
5 eggs
20 g of butter
(Optional) 500 g of plums
Some sentences to practice:
-Il n’y a qu’en Bretagne qu’on trouve le far breton !
Only in Bretagne you can find the far breton!
-Une part de far breton avec un verre de cidre, c’est génial.
A slice of far breton with a glass of cider, it's amazing.
-Un far breton sans pruneaux n’est pas un vrai far breton !
A far breton without plums is not a real far breton!

Le caramel au beurre salé
It’s a delight for young and old alike! Known both as a delicacy, with the squares of wrapped caramels, and as a topping for pancakes and toast, it can be declined according to all desires, always accompanied by this small unctuous and salty touch which makes its reputation. I love it! Try it and you’ll remember it for the rest of your life!
Here are the ingredients to make it yourself:
80 g of brown sugar
45 g of butter
10 cl of fresh cream
1 tablespoon of water
1 pinch of fleur de sel
Some sentences to practice:
-Pour faire du bon caramel au beurre salé, ça prend du temps !
Making good salted butter caramel takes time!
-Les crêpes que j’aime le plus sont celles avec du caramel au beurre salé.
The crêpes I like the most are those with salted butter caramel.
-J’aime le caramel au beurre salé de La Trinitaine.
I like the salted butter caramel of La Trinitaine.

Le chouchen
A very famous celtic drink, chouchen is obtained by fermenting honey in water, which gives it its syrupy, alcoholic taste. It is drunk well chilled and is ideal to accompany game or desserts.
Some sentences to practice:
-Une bouteille de chouchen pour deux personnes, ça fait beaucoup !
A bottle of chouchen for two people, it’s too much!
-Les prix ont augmenté, je ne sais pas si je vais acheté du chouchen.
The prices have gone up, I don't know if I'll buy some chouchen.
-Le chouchen est la boisson des dieux.
Chouchen is the drink of the gods.
Ask me any questions you want in the comment section down below!
Thomas, your French teacher 😀

Thomas Ricomard specializes in teaching French as a foreign language. He has been providing private lessons since 2015, both in-person and online (via Skype). He taught at the Popular University of the Canton of Geneva (Switzerland) from 2015 to 2018, instructing several groups of 20 students from around the world (United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Spain, Brazil, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Mexico, etc.), ranging from beginner to intermediate levels (A1 to B2). With a Master’s degree in clinical and cognitive psychology from the University of Geneva, his knowledge of psychology allows him to tailor his teaching methods for optimal learning, taking into account factors such as visual memory versus auditory memory. He expresses his passion for the French language through writing texts, including poetry and songs, which he presents publicly at numerous music and slam events.