French breakfast

French breakfast

What do you have for French breakfast?

If you are here is that you want to learn and improve your French, well done! Have you ever had a French breakfast? If not, today you are going to learn the food French people eats in the morning 😀

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French breakfast

In this article, I am going to show you the food that French people eats for breakfast.  

La boulangerie
Bakery shop

Du beurre

Une baguette de pain

Du pain grillé
Toasted bread

Un bout de pain
A piece of bread

Du pain avec du beurre
Bread with butter

Un(des) croissant(s)

Un(des) pain(s) au chocolat
Pain au chocolat

De la confiture de fraises/de prunes/d’abricots/...
Strawberry jam
Plum jam
Apricot jam

Du muesli

Des céréales avec du lait
Cereals with milk


Du sucre

Du lait

Du chocolat en poudre
Chocolate powder

Du café

Un café au lait
A coffee with milk / a latte

Du thé

Du jus d’orange/de pamplemousse
Orange juice
Grapefruit juice

Un chocolat chaud
Hot chocolate

Some expressions and phrases that French people use during breakfast

Tu as bien dormi ?
Did you sleep well?

Qu’est-ce que vous prenez au petit déjeuner ?
What do you have for breakfast?

Est-ce que tu veux un thé ?
Do you want some tea?

Est-ce que tu as du sucre pour le café, s’il-te-plaît ?
Do you have some sugar for the coffee, please?

Je ramènerai des oranges pour le petit déjeuner.
I’ll bring oranges for breakfast.

Je vais refaire chauffer de l’eau pour faire du café pour tout le monde.
I will reheat water to make coffee for everyone.

J’ai acheté du chocolat en poudre hier car il n’en restait presque plus.
I bought some chocolate powder yesterday because we were almost out of it.

Il y a du beurre doux et du beurre salé.
There is unsalted butter and salted butter.

Now, what will you have for your first or next French breakfast?
Tell me in the comments!

Thomas, your French teacher 😀


ÊTRE and AVOIR in the past tense  + Exercises

10 city FRENCH words and expressions


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