days of the week in French

The days of the week in FRENCH with pronunciation

Do you know the 7 days of the week in FRENCH?


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Do you know the days of the week in FRENCH with pronunciation?

To get more FRENCH vocabulary, have a look at DO YOU WANT TO IMPROVE YOUR FRENCH IN 30 DAYS? - DOWNLOAD A PDF

Here are the 7 days of the week in French!

Lundi - Monday

Lundi c’est le début de la semaine.
Monday is the beginning of the week.

Mardi - Tuesday

Mardi soir je vais faire du sport.
Tuesday night I'm going to do sports.

Mercredi - Wednesday

Le mercredi c’est le jour de la semaine où je travaille le moins.
Wednesday is the day of the week when I work the least.

Jeudi - Thursday

Le jeudi je me couche tôt car le vendredi est une grosse journée.
On Thursday I go to bed early because Friday is a big day.

Vendredi - Friday

Vendredi soir j’ai terminé le travail tard.
Friday night I finished work late.

Samedi – Saturday

Le samedi soir je fais la fête.
On Saturday night I party.

Dimanche - Sunday

Le dimanche parfois, je vais marcher en forêt.
On Sunday, I sometimes go walking in the forest.


Did you enjoy to read the days of the week in FRENCH with pronunciation?
Did you manage to write and pronounce those words properly? 

Thomas, your French teacher 😀


How to pronounce French words?


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