It's easy to speak French, really? Yes!
If you are here is that you want to learn and improve your French, well done! Do you beleive me if I tell you that it is easy to speak French? Probably not. So, I invite you to take a few moments to read this article that will surely change your mind 😀
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Here are some adverbs of quantity that we use everyday:
Beaucoup de, un peu de, trop de, assez de, un tas de, un kg de, énormément de, un tout petit peu de, une cuillère de, un morceau de, une bouteille de,...
We never say:
- beaucoup
des-du-de la - un peu
des-du-de la,...
In that case after the word un peu we put the word de: un peu + de (or d’ if the next word starts with vowel)
Un peu du vin
Un peu de vin
A little bit of wine
Un peu de l’eau
Un peu d’eau
A little bit of water
In that case after the word beaucoup we put the word de: beaucoup + de (or d’ if the next word starts with vowel)
Beaucoup de l’eau
Beaucoup d’eau
A lot of water
Beaucoup du vin
Beaucoup de vin
A lot of wine
In that case after the word trop we put the word de: trop + de (or d’ if the next word starts with vowel)
J’ai trop des arbres dans mon jardin
J’ai trop d’arbres dans mon jardin
I have too many trees in my garden
J’ai trop des vélos dans mon garage
J’ai trop de vélos dans mon garage
I have too many bikes in my garage
In that case after the word assez we put the word de: assez + de (or d’ if the next word starts with vowel)
J’ai assez des frites
J’ai assez de frites
I have enough fries
Nous avons assez des pots de fleurs
Nous avons assez de pots de fleurs
We have enough flower pots
Now it's time to practice, you'll see it's very easy. Feel free to ask me any questions in the comments if you need to 😀
1-Elle a beaucoup ... assiettes
She has many plates
2-Ils ont beaucoup ... casseroles
They have many pots
3-Vous voulez un peu ... eau ?
Do you want a bit of water?
4-Les enfants mangent beaucoup ... salade
Children eat a lot of salad
5-Je bois un verre ... eau
I am drinking a glass of water
6-Henri a énormément ... copains
Henri has a lot of friends
7-Je vais prendre un kilo ... pommes de terre
I will take one kilo of potatoes
8-Tu as beaucoup ... temps pour te préparer
You have a lot of time to prepare
9-Qui veut une part ... pizza ?
Who wants a slice of pizza?
10-Qui veut une bouteille ... eau ?
Who wants a bottle of water?
1-Elle a beaucoup d’assiettes
2-Ils ont beaucoup de casseroles
3- Vous voulez un peu d’eau ?
4- Les enfants mangent beaucoup de salade
5-Je bois un verre d’eau
6-Henri a énormément de copains
7-Je vais prendre un kilo de pommes de terre
8-Tu as beaucoup de temps pour te préparer
9-Qui veut une part de pizza ?
10-Qui veut une bouteille d’eau ?
Do you see how it can be easy to speak French!
Thomas, your French teacher 😀
How to use the words Devant / Derrière?
How to use Du, De, Des, De la in FRENCH?
Thomas Ricomard specializes in teaching French as a foreign language. He has been providing private lessons since 2015, both in-person and online (via Skype). He taught at the Popular University of the Canton of Geneva (Switzerland) from 2015 to 2018, instructing several groups of 20 students from around the world (United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Spain, Brazil, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Mexico, etc.), ranging from beginner to intermediate levels (A1 to B2). With a Master’s degree in clinical and cognitive psychology from the University of Geneva, his knowledge of psychology allows him to tailor his teaching methods for optimal learning, taking into account factors such as visual memory versus auditory memory. He expresses his passion for the French language through writing texts, including poetry and songs, which he presents publicly at numerous music and slam events.