un coup de pouce

French expression: un coup de pouce

Do you know the French expression: un coup de pouce?

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J’ai besoin d’un coup de pouce !
I need a helping hand!

In this article, I am going to explain you the meaning of the French expression coup de pouce. First, I am going to explain the words of it. And then I’ll put it in differents contexts so you can understand better the meaning and so you’ll be able to use it properly!

Un coup

Un coup = a hit, a shot, a blow.
I hit someone or I hit something.
Ex: I hit the ball.

Donner un coup = frapper = to hit, to strike, to knock.
Je donne un coup dans la balle = I kick the ball.   
Il a frappé quelqu’un = He punched someone.

Le pouce

Le pouce = the thumb.

Litteraly, the French expression Un coup de pouce means ''to hit with your thumb''. But as you can imagine this is a picture. In fact, we use the French expression un coup de pouce to talk about help. If I ask for help I would say:

Est-ce que tu peux me donner un coup de pouce, stp ?
Can you give me a helping hand, please?

You are in a situation that is out of your control and you need help. You are stuck, you can't move forward, so you can say j’ai besoin d’un coup de pouce.

Here some more examples

Je lui ai donné un coup de pouce pour réviser sa leçon de français.
I gave him a helping hand to revise his French lesson.

Ils ne comprenaient pas bien les règles du jeu alors elle leur a donné un coup de pouce.
They didn't quite understand the rules of the game so she gave them a helping hand.
They didn't quite understand the rules of the game so she gave them a leg up.

Tu peux me donner un coup de pouce pour ranger le garage, s’il te plaît ?
Can you give me a hand to tidy up the garage, please?

Je vais donner un coup de pouce pour faire le repas.
I'll give a helping hand to make the meal.

Un coup de pouce du destin
A helping hand from fate.

Have you ever used this expression?
Tell me in the comments!

Thomas, your French teacher 😀


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