Let’s do FRENCH grammar exercises together!
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Here we are for some FRENCH grammar exercises together! Review the lesson everyday until you know it well.
Let’s begin!
FRENCH grammar – DOC and IOC
DOC Direct Object Complement | IOC Indirect Object Complement |
It comes after the verb, WITHOUT A PREPOSITION | It comes after the verb, WITH A PREPOSITION |
Exercise | Answers |
1 -Il a de la chance. He is lucky. | 1 -de la chance = DOC Il a de la chance. He is lucky. |
2 - J’ai déposé Pierre et Paul à la gare. I dropped Peter and Paul off at the station. | 2 -Pierre et Paul = DOC J’ai déposé Pierre et Paul à la gare. I dropped Peter and Paul off at the station. |
3 -Je n’ai pas mis la lettre sur la table. I did not put the letter on the table. | 3 -la lettre = DOC Je n’ai pas mis la lettre sur la table. I did not put the letter on the table. |
4 -Dites à Jean que j’arrive. Tell Jean I'm coming. | 4 -à Jean = IOC Dites à Jean que j’arrive. Tell Jean I'm coming. |
5 -Tu a envoyé une lettre à ton ami. You sent a letter to your friend. | 5 -une lettre = DOC Tu a envoyé une lettre à ton ami. You sent a letter to your friend. |
6 - Il a avalé un capuchon de stylo. He swallowed a pen cap. | 6 -un capuchon = DOC Il a avalé un capuchon de stylo. He swallowed a pen cap. |
7 - Elle téléphone à ses amis. She calls her friends. | 7 -à ses amis = IOC Elle téléphone à ses amis. She calls her friends. |
8 - Il parle de sa tante. He talks about his aunt. | 8 -de sa tante = IOC Il parle de sa tante. He talks about his aunt. |
9 -Nous faisons du sport. We do sports. | 9 -du sport = DOC Nous faisons du sport. We do sports. |
10 -Tu demanderas son adresse à tes parents. You will ask your parents for his address. | 10 -son adresse = DOC Tu demanderas son adresse à tes parents. You will ask your parents for his address. |
11 - J’ai emprunté beaucoup d’argent. I borrowed a lot of money. | 11 – beaucoup d’argent = DOC J’ai emprunté beaucoup d’argent. I borrowed a lot of money. |
12 -Quelles sont vos dates de vacances ? What are your holiday dates? | 12 -vos dates = DOC Quelles sont vos dates de vacances ? What are your holiday dates? |
13 -Je me souviens de ce jour-là. I remember that day. | 13 -de ce jour-là = IOC Je me souviens de ce jour-là. I remember that day. |
14 -Il s’intéresse à ce film. He is interested in this film. | 14 -à ce film = IOC Il s’intéresse à ce film. He is interested in this film. |
15 - Elle a acheté un livre à son amie. She bought her friend a book. | 15 -un livre = DOC Elle a acheté un livre à son amie. She bought her friend a book. |
16 -Le prochain train partira demain matin. The next train will leave tomorrow morning. | 16 –demain matin = DOC Le prochain train partira demain matin. The next train will leave tomorrow morning. |
17 -Ils sortent d’une voiture grise. They get out of a grey car. | 17 -d’une voiture grise = IOC Ils sortent d’une voiture grise. They get out of a grey car. |
18 -Ils sortent une voiture grise du garage. They take a grey car out of the garage. | 18 -une voiture grise = DOC Ils sortent une voiture grise du garage. They take a grey car out of the garage. |
19 -J’ai besoin de la boîte qui est là. I need the box that's there. | 19 -de la boîte = IOC J’ai besoin de la boîte qui est là. I need the box that's there. |
20 -Elles pensent à l’avenir. They think about the future. | 20 - à l’avenir = IOC Elles pensent à l’avenir. They think about the future. |
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FRENCH grammar – Possessive determiners
Complete the text with the appropriate possessive determiners:
Exercise | Answers |
1 -Les étudiants adorent………………….….camarades de classe et………………….….professeur. Students love their classmates and their teacher. | 1 -leurs/leur Les étudiants adorent leurs camarades de classe et leur professeur. Students love their classmates and their teacher. |
2 -Nous téléphonons à………………….….fils, notre fille et à………………….….amis. We call our son, daughter and friends. | 2 -notre / nos Nous téléphonons à notre fils, notre fille et à nos amis. We call our son, daughter and friends. |
3 - Richard cherche………………….….stylo, ………………….….livres, ………………….….sac à dos, et………………….….carte de crédit. Richard looks for his pen, his books, his backpack, and his credit card. | 3 -son /ses / son / sa Richard cherche son stylo, ses livres, son sac à dos, et sa carte de crédit. Richard looks for his pen, his books, his backpack, and his credit card. |
4 -Quelle est………………….….nationalité ? Et………………….….adresse ? Et………………….….passe-temps préférés ? What is your nationality? And your address? And your favorite hobbies? | 4 -ta /ton / tes Quelle est ta nationalité ? Et ton adresse ? Et tes passe-temps préférés ? What is your nationality? And your address? And your favorite hobbies? |
5-Vous invitez………………….…., ………………….….tante et………………….….oncle ? Are you inviting your cousins, your aunt and uncle? | 5 -vos /votre / votre Vous invitez vos cousins, votre tante et votre oncle ? Are you inviting your cousins, your aunt and uncle? |
6 -J’ai un frère. C’est………………….….frère. I have a brother. He is my brother. | 6 - mon J’ai un frère. C’est mon frère. I have a brother. He is my brother. |
7 -Tu as une sœur. C’est………………….…sœur. You have a sister. She is your sister. | 7 - ta Tu as une sœur. C’est ta sœur. You have a sister. She is your sister. |
8 -Robert a deux enfants. Ce sont………………….…enfants. Robert has two children. These are his children. | 8 - ses Robert a deux enfants. Ce sont ses enfants. Robert has two children. These are his children. |
9 -Il a une fille. C’est………………….…fille. He has a daughter. This is his daughter. | 9 - sa Il a une fille. C’est sa fille. He has a daughter. This is his daughter. |
10 -Il a un fils. C’est………………….…fils. He has a son. This is his son. | 10 - son Il a un fils. C’est son fils. He has a son. This is his son. |
11 -Monique a une tante. C’est………………….…tante. Monique has an aunt. This is her aunt. | 11 -sa Monique a une tante. C’est sa tante. Monique has an aunt. This is her aunt. |
12 -Elle a aussi un oncle.C’est………………….…oncle. She also has an uncle. It's her uncle. | 12 - son Elle a aussi un oncle.C’est son oncle. She also has an uncle. It's her uncle. |
13 -Nous avons des amis.Ce sont………………….…amis. We have friends. They are our friends. | 13 - nos Nous avons des amis.Ce sont nos amis. We have friends. They are our friends. |
14 -Vous avez une télévision. C’est………………….…télévision. You have a television. This is our television. | 14 - notre Vous avez une télévision. C’est notre télévision. You have a television. This is our television. |
15 -Mes parents ont un chien.C’est………………….…chien. My parents have a dog. It's their dog. | 15 - leur Mes parents ont un chien.C’est leur chien. My parents have a dog. It's their dog. |
16 -Ils ont aussi trois chats. Ce sont………………….…chats. They also have three cats. These are their cats. | 16 - leurs Ils ont aussi trois chats. Ce sont leurs chats. They also have three cats. These are their cats. |
17 -Les étudiants prennent………………….…devoirs sur l’intranet de l’université. Students take their assignments on the university's intranet. | 17 - leurs Les étudiants prennent leurs devoirs sur l’intranet de l’université. Students take their assignments on the university's intranet. |
18 -Ils font………………….…examen dans la classe. They take their exam in the classroom. | 18 - leur Ils font leur examen dans la classe. They take their exam in the classroom. |
19 -Paul apporte………………….…livre en classe. Paul brings his book to class. | 19 - son Paul apporte son livre en classe. Paul brings his book to class. |
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FRENCH grammar – Prepositions
Choose the right preposition to add after the verb: entre or à côté de or à côté du
Exercise | Answers |
1 - John est………………….…les deux messieurs. John is between the two gentlemen. | 1 - entre John est entre les deux messieurs. John is between the two gentlemen. |
2 - Marie est………………….…l'homme qui porte une cravate bleu. Marie is next to the man wearing a blue tie. | 2 - à côté de Marie est à côté de l'homme qui porte une cravate bleu. Marie is next to the man wearing a blue tie. |
3 - Didier est………………….…le garçon et Sylvie. Didier is between the boy and Sylvie. | 3 -entre Didier est entre le garçon et Sylvie. Didier is between the boy and Sylvie. |
4 - Le monsieur en vert est………………….…John. The man in green is next to John. | 4 - à côté de Le monsieur en vert est à côté de John. The man in green is next to John. |
5 - Michel est………………….…la dame en rouge et John. Michel is between the lady in red and John. | 5 - entre Michel est entre la dame en rouge et John. Michel is between the lady in red and John. |
6 - Marie est………………….…Michel. Marie is next to Michel. | 6 - à côté de Marie est à côté de Michel. Marie is next to Michel. |
7 - Les garçons sont………………….…les filles. The boys are between the girls. | 7 - entre Les garçons sont entre les filles. The boys are between the girls. |
8 - Le chien est………………….…le lion et la cigogne. The dog is between the lion and the stork. | 8 - entre Le chien est entre le lion et la cigogne. The dog is between the lion and the stork. |
9 - La cigogne est………………….…lapin. The stork is next to the rabbit. | 9 - à côté du La cigogne est à côté de lapin. The stork is next to the rabbit. |
10 - Le roi des animaux est………………….…chien. The king of the animals is next to the dog. | 10 - à côté du Le roi des animaux est à côté du chien. The king of the animals is next to the dog. |
11 - Le lapin est………………….…deux animaux à plumes. The rabbit is between two feathered animals. | 11 - entre Le lapin est entre deux animaux à plumes. The rabbit is between two feathered animals. |
12 - Le chien est………………….…lion. The dog is next to the lion. | 12 - à côté du Le chien est à côté du lion. The dog is next to the lion. |
13 - La cigogne est………………….…deux animaux à quatre pattes. The stork is between two four-legged animals. | 13 - entre La cigogne est entre deux animaux à quatre pattes. The stork is between two four-legged animals. |
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Thomas, your French teacher
Thomas Ricomard specializes in teaching French as a foreign language. He has been providing private lessons since 2015, both in-person and online (via Skype). He taught at the Popular University of the Canton of Geneva (Switzerland) from 2015 to 2018, instructing several groups of 20 students from around the world (United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Spain, Brazil, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Mexico, etc.), ranging from beginner to intermediate levels (A1 to B2). With a Master’s degree in clinical and cognitive psychology from the University of Geneva, his knowledge of psychology allows him to tailor his teaching methods for optimal learning, taking into account factors such as visual memory versus auditory memory. He expresses his passion for the French language through writing texts, including poetry and songs, which he presents publicly at numerous music and slam events.