FRENCH grammar practice: let’s do exercises together!
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That’s a great idea.
Here we go for a FRENCH grammar practice. Review the lesson everyday until you know it well.
Let's begin!
FRENCH grammar - Attribute of the subject and epithet adjective
Attribute of the subject | Epithet adjective |
Exercise | Answers |
1 – Un enfant curieux. A curious child. | 1 – enfant curieux = epithet adjective A curious child. |
2 – Cet enfant semble curieux. This child seems curious. | 2 – semble curieux = attribute of the subject This child seems curious. |
3 – Il a l’air effrayant. He looks scary. | 3 – a l’air effrayant = attribute of the subject He looks scary. |
4 – Ce nouveau téléphone. This new phone. | 4 – nouveau téléphone = epithet adjective This new phone. |
5 – Ce télépohne est nouveau. This telepohne is new. | 5 – est nouveau = attribute of the subject This telepohne is new. |
6 – Un smartphone cassé. A broken smartphone. | 6 – smartphone cassé = epithet adjective A broken smartphone. |
7 – Un smartphone qui est cassé. A smartphone that is broken. | 7 – est cassé = attribute of the subject A smartphone that is broken. |
8 – Cet enfant, malade, reste au lit. This child is sick and stays in bed. | 8 – Cet enfant, malade = epithet adjective This child is sick and stays in bed. |
9 – Malade, cet enfant reste au lit. Sick, this child stays in bed. | 9 – Malade, cet enfant = epithet adjective Sick, this child stays in bed. |
10 – Je le trouve beau. I find it beautiful. | 10 – trouve beau = attribute of the subject I find it beautiful. |
11 – La table est basse. The table is low. | 11 – est basse = attribute of the subject The table is low. |
12 – Les robes bleues. The blue dresses. | 12 – robes bleues = epithet adjective The blue dresses. |
13 – Les robes paraissent bleues, de loin. The dresses look blue from a distance. | 13 – paraissent bleues = attribute of the subject The dresses look blue from a distance. |
14 – Un beau plateau argenté. A beautiful silver tray. | 14 – beau plateau argenté = epithet adjective A beautiful silver tray. |
15 – Le canapé est confortable. The sofa is comfortable. | 15 – est confortable = attribute of the subject The sofa is comfortable. |
16 – Ses efforts restent insuffisants. Its efforts remain insufficient. | 16 – restent insuffisants = attribute of the subject Its efforts remain insufficient. |
17 – Le village est pittoresque. The village is picturesque. | 17 – est pittoresque = attribute of the subject The village is picturesque. |
18 – Je le trouve rouge carmin. I find it carmine red. | 18 – trouve rouge carmin = attribute of the subject I find it carmine red. |
19 – Nous sommes vieux. We are old. | 19 – sommes vieux = attribute of the subject We are old. |
20 – Le vieil arbre. The old tree. | 20 – vieil arbre = epithet adjective The old tree. |
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FRENCH grammar - Determiners
Complete the text with the appropriate determinants:
le – la – l’ – les – des – ce – leur
Exercise | Answers |
1 -J’aime……………………………………………confiture de fraise. I like strawberry jam. | 1 - la J’aime la confiture de fraise. I like strawberry jam. |
2 -Je connais……………………………………………garçon. I know this boy. | 2 - ce Je connais ce garçon. I know this boy. |
3 - ……………………………………………chiens du voisin. The neighbour's dogs. | 3 - Les Les chiens du voisin. The neighbour's dogs. |
4 - ……………………………………………matin il fait beau. This morning the weather is fine. | 4 - Ce Ce matin il fait beau. This morning the weather is fine. |
5 - ……………………………………………frère est là. Their brother is there. | 5 - Leur Leur frère est là. Their brother is there. |
6 -Il porte……………………………………………gants. He wears gloves. | 6 - des Il porte des gants. He wears gloves. |
7 -……………………………………………directrice n’est pas là. The director is not here. | 7 - La La directrice n’est pas là. The director is not here. |
8 - ……………………………………………été arrive. Summer is coming. | 8 - L’ L’été arrive. Summer is coming. |
9 - ……………………………………………président de……………………………………………république. The President of the Republic. | 9 - Le / la Le président de la république. The President of the Republic. |
10 - ……………………………………………public écoute le concert. The audience is listening to the concert. | 10 - Le Le public écoute le concert. The audience is listening to the concert. |
11 -Je mange……………………pissenlits en salade. I eat dandelions in salad. | 11 – les Je mange les pissenlits en salade. I eat dandelions in salad. |
Complete the text with the appropriate determinants:
aucun, aucune, autres, chaque, même, quelques, telle, tous
Exercise | Answers |
12 - ……………………………………………enfants jouent sur la plage. Some children play on the beach. | 12 - Quelques Quelques enfants jouent sur la plage. Some children play on the beach. |
13 - ……………………………………………arbre n'a été abattu par la tempête. No trees were felled by the storm. | 13 - Aucun Aucun arbre n'a été abattu par la tempête. No trees were felled by the storm. |
14 -……………………………………………les carreaux de la maison ont été lavés. All the tiles in the house have been washed. | 14 - Tous Tous les carreaux de la maison ont été lavés. All the tiles in the house have been washed. |
15 - Achetez la……………………………………………voiture, si vous en êtes content. Buy the same car, if you are happy with it. | 15 - même Achetez la même voiture, si vous en êtes content. Buy the same car, if you are happy with it. |
16 -……………………………………………jour, les enfants se lèvent à huit heures. Every day, the children get up at eight o'clock. | 16 - Chaque Chaque jour, les enfants se lèvent à huit heures. Every day, the children get up at eight o'clock. |
17 - ……………………………………………camarades sont restés à la fête. My other comrades stayed at the party. | 17 - autres Mes autres camarades sont restés à la fête. My other comrades stayed at the party. |
18 - ……………………………………………chaleur n'est plus supportable. Such heat is no longer bearable. | 18 - telle Une telle chaleur n'est plus supportable. Such heat is no longer bearable. |
19 -……………………………………………vallée n'est plus belle en été. No valley is more beautiful in summer. | 19 - Aucune Aucune vallée n'est plus belle en été. No valley is more beautiful in summer. |
Complete the text with the appropriate determinants:
quel, quelle, quels, quelles
Exercise | Answers |
20 - A……………………………heure comptes-tu partir ? What time do you plan to leave? | 20 - quelle A quelle heure comptes-tu partir ? What time do you plan to leave? |
21 -……………………………………………âge a votre sœur ? How old is your sister? | 21 - Quel Quel âge a votre sœur ? How old is your sister? |
22 - ……………………………………………chaussures dois-je prévoir pour la randonnée de demain ? What shoes should I bring for tomorrow's hike? | 22 - Quelles Quelles chaussures dois-je prévoir pour la randonnée de demain ? What shoes should I bring for tomorrow's hike? |
23 - Sur……………………………………………chaîne passe l'émission « Notre temps » ? On which channel is the programme "Notre temps" broadcast? | 23 -quelle Sur quelle chaîne passe l'émission ‘Notre temps’ ? On which channel is the programme ‘Notre temps’ broadcast? |
24 -………………………cadeau vais-je lui offrir ? What gift will I give him? | 24 - Quel Quel cadeau vais-je lui offrir ? What gift will I give him? |
25 -……………………………………………jupe préfères-tu ? Which skirt do you prefer? | 25 - Quelle Quelle jupe préfères-tu ? Which skirt do you prefer? |
26 -……………………………………………livre allons-nous acheter pour les enfants ? What books will we buy for the children? | 26 -Quel Quel livre allons-nous acheter pour les enfants ? What books will we buy for the children? |
27 - A……………………………………………adresse dois-tu livrer ce colis ? To which address should you deliver this package? | 27 - quelle A quelle adresse dois-tu livrer ce colis ? To which address should you deliver this package? |
28 -……………………………………………prénom ont-ils choisi pour leur bébé ? What name have they chosen for their baby? | 28 - Quel Quel prénom ont-ils choisi pour leur bébé ? What name have they chosen for their baby? |
29 -……………………………………………musique écoutez-vous le plus souvent ? What music do you listen to most often? | 29 - Quelle Quelle musique écoutez-vous le plus souvent ? What music do you listen to most often? |
30 - ………………………maison as-tu achetée ? What house did you buy? | 30 -Quelle Quelle maison as-tu achetée ? What house did you buy? |
31 -……………………………………………est ton bateau ? What is your boat? | 31 - Quel Quel est ton bateau ? What is your boat? |
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FRENCH grammar – verb + à / verb + de
Choose the right preposition to add after the verb (à or de or no preposition)
Exercise | Answers |
1 - Il se fie toujours……………………………………………mon bon goût. He always trusts my good taste. | 1 - à Il se fie toujours à mon bon goût. He always trusts my good taste. |
2 - Mon frère hésite souvent……………………………………………parler en public. My brother often hesitates to speak in public. | 2 - à Mon frère hésite souvent à parler en public. My brother often hesitates to speak in public. |
3 - Ce professeur enseigne……………………………………………la grammaire……………………………………………des enfants. This teacher teaches grammar to children. | 3 – no preposition / à Ce professeur enseigne la grammaire à des enfants. This teacher teaches grammar to children. |
4 - Il s’oppose……………………………………………voter en faveur de la proposition. He opposes voting in favour of the proposal. | 4 - à Il s’oppose à voter en faveur de la proposition. He opposes voting in favour of the proposal. |
5 - Il est censé……………………………………………prendre la parole à vingt heures. He is supposed to speak at 8pm. | 5 - no preposition Il est censé prendre la parole à vingt heures. He is supposed to speak at 8pm. |
6 -Tu as négligé……………………………………………prendre rendez-vous chez le médecin. You neglected to make a doctor's appointment. | 6 - de Tu as négligé de prendre rendez-vous chez le médecin. You neglected to make a doctor's appointment. |
7 -Les voleurs ont menacé……………………………………………le caissier……………………………………………tout détruire. The thieves threatened the cashier with destruction. | 7 - no preposition / de Les voleurs ont menacé le caissier de tout détruire. The thieves threatened the cashier with destruction. |
8 - David a mérité……………………………………………le premier prix au concours annuel. David won first prize in the annual competition. | 8 - no preposition David a mérité le premier prix au concours annuel. David won first prize in the annual competition. |
9 - Il faut se fier……………………………………………la sagesse des personnes âgées. The wisdom of older people should be trusted. | 9 - à Il faut se fier à la sagesse des personnes âgées. The wisdom of older people should be trusted. |
10 - J’ai mis beaucoup de temps à lire……………………………………………l’œuvre de Proust. It took me a long time to read Proust's work. | 10 - no preposition J’ai mis beaucoup de temps à lire l’œuvre de Proust. It took me a long time to read Proust's work. |
11 - L’entraîneur encourage……………………………………………les athlètes……………………………………………mieux performer. The coach encourages the athletes to perform better. | 11 - no preposition / à L’entraîneur encourage les athlètes à mieux performer. The coach encourages the athletes to perform better. |
12 - Par superstition, il évite……………………………………………croiser les chats noirs dans la rue. Out of superstition, he avoids seeing black cats in the street. | 12 - de Par superstition, il évite de croiser les chats noirs dans la rue. Out of superstition, he avoids seeing black cats in the street. |
13 -Elle s’intéresse……………………………………………la littérature espagnole. She is interested in Spanish literature. | 13 - à Elle s’intéresse à la littérature espagnole. She is interested in Spanish literature. |
14 - Cet enseignant aide……………………………………………Paul……………………………………………écrire. This teacher is helping Paul to write. | 14 - no preposition / à Cet enseignant aide Paul à écrire. This teacher is helping Paul to write. |
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Thank you for reading the article Are you ready for a FRENCH grammar practice?
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Thomas, your French teacher
Thomas Ricomard specializes in teaching French as a foreign language. He has been providing private lessons since 2015, both in-person and online (via Skype). He taught at the Popular University of the Canton of Geneva (Switzerland) from 2015 to 2018, instructing several groups of 20 students from around the world (United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Spain, Brazil, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Mexico, etc.), ranging from beginner to intermediate levels (A1 to B2). With a Master’s degree in clinical and cognitive psychology from the University of Geneva, his knowledge of psychology allows him to tailor his teaching methods for optimal learning, taking into account factors such as visual memory versus auditory memory. He expresses his passion for the French language through writing texts, including poetry and songs, which he presents publicly at numerous music and slam events.