Liaison in French

When to do the liaison in French?


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When to do the liaison in French?

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The liaison in French?

2 important points to remember

1 - It changes the pronunciation of the last letter of the first word, which is a silent consonant

2 - The first letter of the following word is:

An example:
Written: bon appétit / Spoken: bo nappétit

3 cases

1 - The liaison is a mandatory
2 - The liaison is not allowed
3 - It is not a mandatory to do the liaison

--------------------1 - The liaison is a mandatory-------------------

A - Determinant + noun

Written: un ami.
Spoken: un nami.
A friend.

Written: des endives.
Spoken: des zendives.

Written: deux enfants.
Spoken: deu zenfants.
Two children.

Written: tois enfants.
Spoken: troi zenfants.
Three children.

B - Pronoun + verb / Pronoun + Pronoun

Written: on est là.
Spoken: on nest là.
We are here.

Written: vous avez faim ?
Spoken: vou zavez faim ?
Are you hungry ?

Written: ils ont faim ?
Spoken: il zont faim ?
They are hungry?

Written: ils en veulent encore.
Spoken: il zen veulent encore.
They still want some.

Written: il vous a dit...
Spoken: il vou za dit...
He said to you...

C - Adjective + noun

Written: de vieilles affaires.
Spoken: de vieille zaffaires.
Old things.

Written: de grandes enjambées.
Spoken: de grande zenjambées.
Long strides.

D - One-syllable preposition

Written: dans une minute.
Spoken: dan zune minute.
In one minute.

Written: sans un sou.
Spoken: san zun sou.
Without a penny.

Written: chez eux.
Spoken: che zeux.
In their home.


The pronunciation of the letter d becomes t

Written: quand elle est là.
Spoken: quan telle est là.
When she is there.

Written: quand est-ce que tu viens ?
Spoken: quan test-ce que tu viens ?
When are you coming?

F - Others cases

Written: les Etats-Unis.
Spoken: les zEtats-Unis.
The United States.

Written: en Août.
Spoken: en nAoût.
In August.

Written: en Amérique.
Spoken: en nAmérique.
In America.

Written: c’est-à-dire.
Spoken: c’es dire.

Written: peut-être.
Spoken: peu tre.

--------------------2 - The liaison is not allowed--------------------

A - Noun + Adjective

Written and spoken: un enfant intelligent.
An intelligent child.

Written and spoken: un collier orange.
An orange necklace.

B - ET

Written and spoken: j’ai une fille et un garçon.
I have a daughter and a boy.

Written and spoken: un ami et une amie.
A friend and a girlfriend.

C - Name

Written and spoken: Nicolas est français.
Nicolas is French.

D - Noun + verb

Written and spoken: cet enfant a 10 ans.
This child is 10 years old.

Written and spoken: les enfants aiment jouer.
Children like playing.

E - Aspirated h

Written and spoken: des harictots.

--------------------3 - It is not a mandatory to do the liaison-------------------


Ils sont entrés. = Ils son tentrés.
They went in.

Nous sommes allés. = Nous somme zallés.
We have been.

B - Adverb

Pas encore. = Pa zencore.
Not yet.

C - Others cases

Mais il faut y aller ? = Mai zil faut y aller ?
But do we have to go?

C’est trop important. = C’est tro pimportant.
It is too important.


Did you manage to pronounce the liaisons properly? 

Thomas, your French teacher 😀


How to pronounce vowels in French?


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