FRENCH expressions with body parts

The body parts in FRENCH


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Some FRENCH expressions with body parts

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    Do you know the body parts in FRENCH?

    1 - Sur un coup de tête

    Meaning: Suddenly, a sudden urge, without thinking

    Written French:
    Je suis parti(e) en voyage en Afrique sur un coup de tête.
    I went on a trip to Africa on a whim.

    Spoken French:
    Je suis parti(e) en voyage en Afrique sur un coup d’tête
    I went on a trip to Africa on a whim.

    2 - Ne pas avoir froid aux yeux

    Meaning: To be brave, not to be afraid

    Written French:
    Il fait de la boxe, il n’a pas froid aux yeux.
    He's a boxer, he is daring.

    Spoken French:
    Il fait de la boxe, il a pas froid aux yeux.
    He's a boxer, he is daring.

    3 - Dormir sur ses deux oreilles

    Meaning: Sleep like a log

    Cette nuit, j’ai dormi sur mes 2 oreilles.
    Something like: Last night, I slept like a log.

    4 - A vue de nez

    Meaning: At a guess / At first sight

    Written French:
    -Quelle est la longueur du bateau ?
    -A vue de nez, je dirais 6 mètres.
    -How long is the boat?
    -At first sight, I would say 6 metres.

    Spoken French:
    -Quelle est la longueur du bateau ?
    -A vue d’nez, je dirais 6 mètres.

    5 - Rester bouche bée

    Meaning: To be amazed / Speechless

    Elle est restée bouche bée quand elle a vu ses résultats d’examens.
    She was stunned when she saw her test results.


    Did you enjoy The body parts in FRENCH?
    Do you know others French expressions with body parts? 

    Thomas, your French teacher 😀


    10 adjectives to know to have a good French


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