Some FRENCH expressions with body parts
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Do you know the body parts in FRENCH?

1 - Sur un coup de tête
Meaning: Suddenly, a sudden urge, without thinking
Written French:
Je suis parti(e) en voyage en Afrique sur un coup de tête.
I went on a trip to Africa on a whim.
Spoken French:
Je suis parti(e) en voyage en Afrique sur un coup d’tête
I went on a trip to Africa on a whim.

2 - Ne pas avoir froid aux yeux
Meaning: To be brave, not to be afraid
Written French:
Il fait de la boxe, il n’a pas froid aux yeux.
He's a boxer, he is daring.
Spoken French:
Il fait de la boxe, il a pas froid aux yeux.
He's a boxer, he is daring.

3 - Dormir sur ses deux oreilles
Meaning: Sleep like a log
Cette nuit, j’ai dormi sur mes 2 oreilles.
Something like: Last night, I slept like a log.

4 - A vue de nez
Meaning: At a guess / At first sight
Written French:
-Quelle est la longueur du bateau ?
-A vue de nez, je dirais 6 mètres.
-How long is the boat?
-At first sight, I would say 6 metres.
Spoken French:
-Quelle est la longueur du bateau ?
-A vue d’nez, je dirais 6 mètres.

5 - Rester bouche bée
Meaning: To be amazed / Speechless
Elle est restée bouche bée quand elle a vu ses résultats d’examens.
She was stunned when she saw her test results.
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Thomas, your French teacher 😀
10 adjectives to know to have a good French

Thomas Ricomard specializes in teaching French as a foreign language. He has been providing private lessons since 2015, both in-person and online (via Skype). He taught at the Popular University of the Canton of Geneva (Switzerland) from 2015 to 2018, instructing several groups of 20 students from around the world (United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Spain, Brazil, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Mexico, etc.), ranging from beginner to intermediate levels (A1 to B2). With a Master’s degree in clinical and cognitive psychology from the University of Geneva, his knowledge of psychology allows him to tailor his teaching methods for optimal learning, taking into account factors such as visual memory versus auditory memory. He expresses his passion for the French language through writing texts, including poetry and songs, which he presents publicly at numerous music and slam events.